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~In and out, and FUCK! WHAT DID I EAT!?!~

Thursday, May. 29, 2003 - 10:06 PM

Ya, Fuck you Andrew. Try to keep me from updating! It won't happen. I sure as hell ain't gonna buy a gold membership when I can beat your system as is!

I hate that.

What do you get when you mix breaded chicken strips, and mixed vegetables? An ass that smells like rotting meat. Ooh ya baby! Good god!

Everyone is shitting themselves over us having 1 cow that tested positive for mad cow. I personally wish people would freak out more. BSE doesn't manifest in the muscle of the cows, just the nervous system. So, I want people to freak out so that beef prices will drop, and I can buy me a few big roasts for practically nothing. Bloody people. They freak and stop export, so people lose jobs, but do you think they can do enough damage to lower beef prices??? Hell no!

When I was talking to Jay earlier I made her run around like a maniac outside. Hell, I even got her mom running out. Why? Because I am a geek.

Today the earth passed through 2 major geomagnetic storms. What does that mean? Aurora...thats what. But these storms were so powerful, that the Aurora are as far south as the middle states. On the norm only Scotland, and mainly Ireland will have Aurora, but tonight Jay went outside to see them. She is way down in south east England. So if you are in the mid states.....go look outside. The moon is almost new, so you will be able to see them. Chances are they won't be as bright as they are here, but you will see a lighter part of the sky, like a paintbrush was stroked across it.

Here in Canada you get severe Aurora. I have actually heard them. They make weird staticy, crackling noises if it is quiet enough to hear. Jay nearly shit herself back in March. We had aurora that were so bright they were almost blinding. She was amazed by how they dance. It was a nice moment that night. I took her into a school field, and made her watch them. Aurora show up closest to the poles.

Ya, I'm a geek. But Astronomy is my life. I especially am addicted to the study of the surface of the sun. It's just my thing. My son is going to be attending a form of Space Camp this summer. The name of it is Junior Astronomers. He is going to learn all about gravity, rockets, and really funky shit. Fuck camping when you can have a kid taught about space, and building solar viewers and shit. The kid knows more about the planets than me, and I study them. It's fucking great!

Satan has an almost photographic mind. He is freaky with how much he retains. I spoke with his school, but have to go somewhere outside the schoolboard to have his IQ tested. The little shit has my smarts, and I want to know how much of them he has.

Point of advice: Don't eat a pretzel after biting a chunk of flesh out of the inside of your fucking hurts.

I'm just babbling tonight. Bored out of my usual.

In my notes today, I recieved an invite from another review site. They want me to try out as a possible reviewer. I went and looked.....but I don't like their scoring system, and I don't like the fact that they are saying that all reviews are "nice". Fuck that. If you ask for a fucking review, then you are asking for a personal opinion. If you want a fucking review from me, then you get MY opinion. If I think you are shit, I tell you. Everyone should just be happy that I actually hold back on the swearing. I sure as fuck don't in real life. Hell, I swear infront of my parents. Jay gives me shit alot for it. She's such a good girl you see. lol

So ya, thought about it, but not interested. So ya....I'm at Angel Reviews. Click the link on the left if you want a review from us all. It's all good. Which reminds me, I have to do my last one tonight. The beginning of it pissed me off, so I have to force myself back into it. I know I am read by other reviewers......don't you hate it when people sink their diary into a website, and you have to go through a bunch of bullshit to get to it, just to find out that nothing matches, they don't know what capitalization is, and the links mouseover is so fucking annoying you want to put your comp through a window? Yes well.....I have to get to that tonight.

Well, I am gonna wrap this up here. I have a lavender bubble bath, and a true crime novel waiting for me. Nothing like violence and gore tho relax you before bed. The Ativan in my system has me nicely stoned, so I should be just fucked when I get out of there. Not that I'll go to bed or anything. Fuck is tomorrow gonna be busy......

Mental note for Jay: After Satan gets home from school, I am off to Wally World with my mom for food for the rats with ears. Then a few after I get home, I am off with Geoff to stalk poor Miranda. He told me tonight that he is borderline obsessed with her. Too bad she thinks he's shit huh? Buddy is way too fucking desperate! So I will be out and about quite a bit tomorrow night. Don't think I am ignoring you, I am being boring with others is all.

Good then!

I'm off for a few.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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