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~Junior High~

Wednesday, May. 28, 2003 - 10:46 AM

I was sitting here thinking, and I started to think about Junior High, and the stupid sayings we had back then. Viva La 80's!!!!

Here's a few I can remember:

*Never kiss by the garden gate, love is blind but the neighbours ain't.

*Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a little leaf, Jack got high and dropped his fly, and Jill said Where's The Beef?

*I love you, you love me, homosexuality. People think that we're just friends, fuck them all we're lesbians!

*Lez be friends, we'll go homo and have a fairy good time.

*Fuck fuck fuck a duck, screw a kangaroo, finger bang an orangutang (sp?) support your local zoo.

*I was here but now I'm gone, I left my name to turn you on.

Okay this is all embarassing. I'm gonna stop this.

How much fucking graffitti de we do in Junior High? Hell, I used to draw fucking peace symbols on everything. Then one day I got a brain....thats when the anarchy symbols started.

Junior High....the years of discovery.

It was all just so fucking wrong!

Don't even get me started on the hair. Anyone remember all the guys with mullets, and the girls with the huge backcomed bangs....all hairsprayed into a fucking fan across their foreheads? The fan was so flat it looked like they walked into the wind with wet hair. I never did that shit, I made fun of that shit. I just shaved my head, and spiked my hair like Souxsie Sioux, or Robert Smith. And crimpers! They were just wrong! The scary part is that shit is coming back! It's all just wrong.

Why oh why was I an 80's teen? Atleast I didn't follow the fucked up trends. But I do get scared sometimes. I have seen chicks my age that still have the hair......tight stretchy jeans, and tube tops.

Why oh why was I an 80's teen?????

I'm gonna go stick my head in sand now.

Quit looking at me that way. I swear it wasn't me!



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