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Tuesday, May. 27, 2003 - 7:10 PM

I blow my nose at you!

Bloody diaryland. It tried to tell me I couldn't update. Well, I found a way around it months ago. Nothing stops me. I have an IQ of 145 that solves tell me that I can't figure out how to get around little things like diaryland redirected URL's.

So ya, things have finally calmed between Jay and I. It took long enough, but it has. It always takes one of us getting hurt. She is fucked up on a possible OD of hayfever medication. She saw a doctor, and the moron told her to mix medications without finding out what she was taking. I freaked. She is sleeping right now, and hopefully will sleep right through the night. She has run herself down severely, and all the bitching in the world wouldn't get her to bed. It took me threatening to not speak to her the next day to get her to sleep last week. Bloody separation anxiety.

So as I sit here my son is in a bubble bath with so many bubbles that they are bigger than him. Leave it to wally world to seel cheap lavender foam bath that is better than any bubble bath I have bought for this kid. The best part is the side effects. Lavender is a relaxant, so Satan will be out cold as soon as he gets out of the bath. Yippee! He has been driving me nuts all night with how bored he is. I finally got him occupied with a huge bubble bath.

Went to the book fair at Satan's school today. Spent $25 on 4 books for him. It was worth it though. I went downstairs earlier, and the t,v, was off, and there he was in the recliner, in a sunbeam, quietly reading one of his new books. He was oblivious to me being there, just lost in this book. That was well worth the money if you ask me. I couldn't afford it, but was worth it to see that. No wonder the kid is almost pulling in straight A's.

So ya.....season premier of dog eat dog tonight. Haven't seen it in ages, so I plan on watching all 2 hours straight. Yehaw! And whats with this recount bullshit with American Idol???? Seriously people! Both guys were given recording contracts before the last show anyway. There is no difference. Clay would have got a million dollar deal too. The only thing that differs between the 2 is a fucking title.

Hmmm......I am gonna have to rip a copy of the song I am listening to. It's my fave Stone Sour song. I want to slap it on this diary so I can hear it when I come into it. Yes...I'm selfish. But you know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! It took me years to get this way, and I still struggle with it. I want to be this way. I spent too much money, emotions, and tears on people, and I am taking it all back. My ex's can suck the tears from my ass. They won't get the ones from my eyes anymore. Those are for Jay. Not that she wants them or anything...but you know what I mean. Atleast I hope you do....cause then you can explain it to me because I just confused myself.

Good then. Now that I am confused, and you are probably confused....I am gonna run away, and giggle.

Too much Dr.Pecker methinks.





~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!