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~Bored, and saving the world~

Sunday, May. 25, 2003 - 11:49 PM

My gluttony has bit me back I tell ya!

Fuck me do I have gut rot from hell. Serves me right for downing a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream. *as Jay rolls her eyes, and shakes her head* Yes dear, I did it again.

So I have been putzing around online for the last couple of hours.

I am so fucking BORED!

So ya, I have been reading the diary of a girl named Gwen. She has bulimia, and really bad. She also has diabetes. Basically she is fucked, and is dying. Her weight last time she was hospitalized bottomed out at about 87 lbs. Scary shit. Well, I read her diary today to hear she was going into a treatment center, and was going to try to kick the bulemia. I got so proud of her, that I emailed her, and asked for her writing address for when she was in treatment. I plan on writing her on a regular basis. I want to send letters of encouragement to her. But of course the letters will be in my style. Goofy as all hell, full of stupid things, radio station stickers, and comics.

This girl going into treatment kind of reminds me of Jay going into detox. I wish I had been there for her. It was one of the worst weeks of her life, not to mention the days to follow when she went home. I often wonder what she was like, and how she handled it. I met her about 3 weeks after she came out of detox, and we became basically inseperablr from that point on. But there is only so much you can see on the net.

I told Jay I wanted to write to this girl, and why. She understood, and said it was a good idea. She told me that things like that would have helped her alot. I guess that in a way this is me helping jay vicariously through someone else.

My dad always says "you are always trying to save the world". Ya person at a time. This girl needs love as bad as Jay did. He sees nothing in herself at all. That kills me. How can someone not see any beauty in themself? I pray to the goddess that her outcome will be as good as Jays was.

So ya.....I want to help her. It may only be a few letters from a complete stranger in Canada.....but maybe it might put a smile on her face when things look hopeless.

Here's hoping.



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