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2001-05-31 - 10:09 p.m.

Well, I guess I now know the wonders of a good push up bra.

Bought a new one....put it on.....had jay drooling over me. For some reason she refuses to look me in the face, and seems to keep tripping and landing in my cleavage. Odd.

At any rate, we went on a game hunt tonight. Found nothing of course. This area of the city sux when it comes to used games. So yet again.....same old shit, diff day.

We are trying to find Jeremy. Jay figures he is probably in there somewhere, it's just a matter of me finding him. Chances are, he's being a dink. He will know that I am wishing to speak to him, and he is probably still pissed off.....which means.....he will be silent just to bug me.

It is important for me to speak with him though. We are experimenting with something. We are trying to mix our pasts. He is living in 1997, and has drug dealers out to kill's an owing money thing as I told him to come to Canada. Last I heard he had a ticket, and is supposed to be here now. He is supposed to try to find me in my past. I showed him pix of me, and sent him to look for me. I told him all of my hangouts, who I was hangin with, and how he could befriend me.

Now theory, if this infact works the way we want it to, there is a chance I could get deja vu off of this. Maybe even remember things as if they are a dream, or day dream. It's just an experiment really, but if it works, then my ex is in for a lil trouble, and maybe even a few nightmares. he he. Don't ask me how it will work, or even if it will. Like I said, it's just an experiment....but a cool one at that.

I am looking forward to July. It seems that MCA is supposed to contact me then. They have had Jay audition for them twice now. They want her bad. So, we are just waiting to hear from them. She is legally contracted to me, and I get to have the joy of hammering out a deal/contract with MCA for her. I swear, there is no end to the things I have to take care of. Nothing but stress for me....not that I mind though. It's all good stress, and if it wasn't there, then I think I would be lost. I guess in a way it keeps my mind off of the MS. I suppose it makes me feel useful, and important.

Between alters, college, MCA, Jay, my son, and work....I lead a very full life. I'm always tired, but thats not a bad thing either. I mean, it gives me a reason to snuggle the boobits.

Enough of all that crap....I'm off!




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!