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~Talking to myself~

Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 - 2:42 AM

*bounces head off of monitor a few times*

You ever had one of those moments? You know.....where you inflict pain for no reason. No depression, no self nothing. Just a serious blast of amusement from it. I used to do it all the time in Junior High. I was fucked up. I eventually earned the nickname of "psycho". I would go to my locker, and slam the door of it up against my head until I nearly knocked myself out. I thought it was, I still don't know why. I would fall on the floor, and just watch the world spin and say "woah!". I guess that was my drug. I didn't smoke, or do drugs until highschool. I drank like a fish though....fuck did I ever. Too fucking many liquid lunches with Gina, and a bottle of Lemon Gin. Yeehaw! I almost got nailed a few times for going to school drunk too. But my principal was an idiot. He thought that staring at my eyes, and looking to see if they were red would show me being drunk. Did I mention I was getting A's in drama too? I bitched them out for trying to accuse me, then my mom told them off when they called her to tell her I was accused.

Those were the days. During my grade 9 year I barely opened doors for myself. People were scared of me. I did sissy tests that would have people making me seriously bleed, but I would take it. I drank, I attacked people. I was just fucked. And the faculty......well, they opened doors for me too. My mom had told them off, and threatened them so much that they were scared of me because of her. They fucked up one day when I was in gr.8 you see. My mom was called and they said "we don't know where your daughter is, but don't worry we will eventually find her". I was 45 min late for school. They never checked the late list. Dumb cunts. I never skipped, I loved going there. I was a freak, and I fucked peoples heads. It was fun. My mom found me on a hill in the back of the school at lunch time. She approached my friends and I crying hysterically. She thought someone had kidnapped me. They called her at about 11am. She said it scared her because I could have been in Calgary by the time they called. We walked into the school, and she lost it on the secretary in the office. She left work because she was so upset, because a grade co-ordinator fucked up. She never let it drop. They were kissing my ass for the rest of the time I was there.

Well, there you go.....stupid stories of my past.

I will leave you now with this one thought.........

When I was 8 years old I asked my mom if I could get a fire engine red mohawk. She told me she would think about it..........she still hasn't answered me....that was 19 years ago.




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