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~What next?~

Sunday, Apr. 13, 2003 - 1:26 AM

Just got back from the hospital.

Jay tripped on the stairs, and fell onto her left wrist, and fucked it up again. She went into a deep state of shock by the time I got to her. Which was seconds. She was a fucked up shade of green, and kept wanting to faint. I carried her up the stairs, and tried to settle her. Unfortunately in the time that it took me to go get some frozen green peppers to put on her wrist, she had run to the bathroom and got sick. I heard her really start to cry after that, and I sat her down, grabbed pillows, and put her into shock position with the makeshift ice on her arm.

Then I tried to call my mom, but she was online. So I tracked her down on AIM and told her that Jay needed to be taken in. All that came of that was my mom pissing me off, and me wanting to fucking deck her. Ya, thanks for caring bitch! Little miss selfishness couldn't be bothered with it. That made Jay cry harder because she thought she was getting in everyones way. So, I called up my buddy Geoff. He came right over, grabbed us, and took us to the hospital. The nurses took one look at her arm, and zipped her off to x-ray, while I got to stand at the desk arguing over what they are supposed to do because she is from out of country. Finally they found out, and I got to actually go find her in the back.

She was sitting by herself in a room, and had been x-rayed already. It was basically a quick in and out. A doctor had a look at the x-ray, and said that she didn't break it, but it was probably a bad sprain. So, she is splinted up again, and has to return to a clinic there on the 23rd to have her arm looked at again. It was cool though. This time the doctor actually thought to give her a few pain killers. It was just Ibuprofen, but last time she got fuck all.

So my broken little girl is laying in bed relaxing after a hard night. J.C. is waiting to update, so as soon as I am done here she will.

I'm glad that I have a friend who is decent enough to drive all the way across town to take us in. But it's pretty fucking sad that he had to. My mom is a fucking cunt! The selfish bitch was too busy forwarding stupid, and obnoxious jokes to my email inbox. It's nice to know she cares. Fuck whatever! No wonder I am so fucked up eh? Welcome to my childhood. Ah! Fuck her! We will remember this. I'm Ukrainian....I hold grudges when it comes to Jay, and someone treating her bad. Mom, or no mom....I won't forget. Moving to the UK just keeps looking better every day,

Well, thats about that. Jay got hurt, and it sucked. Right when she was coming up the stairs I was getting prepared to jump her. I was going to tie her up, blindfold her, and sexually torture her tonight. Instead, I am going to be pampering her because she is hurt. So be it!




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