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The vacume Queen

Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002 - 1:28 AM

Today was an odd day. I now have a neighbour who has a big chip on her shoulder because of me. This broad fucking pawned her vacume, so she takes it uopn herself to borrow ours. Well, I offered so it wasn't a problem.....theres just one thing.....when I offered, I expected her to be a normal human about it. I figured she would use it once maybe twice a week. Ya well, that was a nice thought now wasn't it. The moron calls us daily to use it. She is forever getting Jay to carry the damn thing down 3 flights of stairs, and over to her building...she doesn't live in ours. Then she makes Jay wait while she uses it, then makes Jay carry it up 3 flights of stairs to get it back here. Ummmm...I think not.

So she calls up today, and asks to use it...Jay looks at me, I say "she has to come and get it". So Jay tells her that, and she kinda grumbles that she is gonna have to find someone to watch her kids so she can get it. Jay hangs up, and looks at me. I say to Jay "you are not her bitch, you are mine. You do not do things for her, she expects you to. I am sick of her expecting you to do everything for her." Jay sort of agreed, but due to her overly good nature, she feels obliged to do it. I refuse to let her do it.

(note: Jay is laying in bed curled up in my covers again....cracking bad jokes. She just laughed, said OW! then said "ooooh I've got a, actually I've got a crochet" She just burst out in laughter at her own musings of pain. she is changing the words to bohemian rhapsody by Queen. It's on the radio.)

So back to the broad. She is now being short with us, and ended up in the end borrowing another neighbours vacume (or Hoover for you brits) She couldn't be bothered to come up the stairs...she had to ask someone else. Then she had the audacity to bitch about how the one she used didn't suck worth shit. Ya ok...expect much? Yes, have some. Stupid bitch.

This cunt only calls us when she wants something. We are antisocial so we never go to visit. I am also one of those people who won't just show up without an invite. I have manners, and morals....they state this : Fuck off and leave me alone, and I will fuck off and leave you alone. I hate crowds of people. I always have.

(ok.....I just told Jay to go pick a movie for us to watch...she pointed and said "that". I said "anything but alice in chains" I meant alice in wonderland...we have watched it for the last 3 nights...normally a fave of mine, tonight I want a change. Well Jay loses it. She bursts out laughing and says "alice in chains? what is that? the sadistic version?" Ya...I'm tired.)

I think I am losing this normality battle fast. Too many fucked up things are being said and done. If it isn't me lipsyncing, it's Jay rewriting the songs lyrically. Ya, good then.

Ahhhhh...good pet. It seems we are watching The Birdcage tonight. A gay Robin Williams can never be bad.

Ya ok, I am so with reality right now, that I am doing a play by play of my life at this moment. I think I am tired.

I had a hour and a half chat with an alter tonight. It was really nice. I spoke to Bart. He is a cute as hell 3 yr old. We nattered away about everything, and Jay and I. He said he was jealous that I was Jays, and not his. I always counter that with "well, you are a part of her, so I guess that makes it so you are with me too." That cheered him right up. Then my little cutie started to sing to me. I fucking love my kids!

I have said it before, and I'll say it again.... How could I ever go back to a "normal" relationship? I couldn't. I can't even remember what it was like to be with a person who was just them. I think it would really suck. I read online about all of these people who have all these problems with their mpd partners alters. It's all they did this, and they did that. Ya well, all I say is...if I was them, I would too. I am my byrds therapist. I am all she needs. I keep order in her head, and in her life. I was the one chosen by them, and I basically run the place. You see, my girl is currently working on integration....and she has been since I met the first alter. I am not forcing them, they chose to do it. I just direct them. I help the little ones deal with their situations, then they go in once they are happy, and content. I have typed contracts saying that I have adopted 2 of them. The alters are my world. My byrd is everything to me. Between the group, and the girl...I am screwed. I couldn't leave them if I tried. We fight, I dream of leaving, but I never could. Thats why in the next year or so, we are off to England to be legally married. I want the ceremony to be a traditional pagan one, and to have a High Priestess come down from Scotland to do it. I want the ceremony done in gaelic. Jay just smiles and nods. She doesn't care as long as she gets to trap me for life. It's all good.

Well, I am off....she is dozing and wants to update her diary.




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The current mood of at

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