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~Template woes~

Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003 - 1:22 AM

I've had it!!!!!!!

I have been fucking with the font color on this diary for so bloody long, I am going cross-eyed.


Somedays I hate pix, and trying to have your text show up on them. I'll eventually get it right, but not right now.I've had enough of it! I made the font bigger, and it helped a bit.....but it's just pissing me off.

Yes, I ripped off the last template. Crap or not crap....this one is all me. If it pisses me off enough, I may have to scream and throw myself at the mercy of Jenn. *sighs*

So other than that, I really haven't been doing that much. Jay was stopped yesterday by nasty old crack addict cathy. According to the beast, Sarah moved because of Jay and I. I FUCKING WISH! We know she was evicted from non payment of rent.......ya sarah, do some more meth. Stupid trout. So apparently it is being blamed on us. Good. I don't mind at all. Thats just one more fucking druggie out of this complex, and away from my son. Of course her fucking closet case ex is living in the apt. below me now. yay. I miss the days of screaming "FAGGOT!" out the window at him. Last summer was fun. The entire complex hated me. Whatever. I don't hang with white trash, and I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs. Here, thats all anyone does. Aren't they soooooo cool????

Jays mum went into London today, and said she was gonna buy a postcard for me, and send it to me from London. Fucking cool! It's just gay enough to rock! She has been chatting to me almost every time she calls Jay now. She loves me to pieces. I am being bitched at by her alot too. "GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GET YOUR PASSPORT!". She wants me in England right now. She has been hinting to Jay about buying a plane ticket for me and soon as we get our passports. She wants us there for the summer. I better get my ass in gear.

I heard today that a couple of kids want their own diary. So I am gonna have to do up a couple more, once they figure out what they are doing. Lickus wants Trix to join him in his, but Romeo wants to start one up that is shared with Trix. So I am waiting to see what is going to happen, so I know what to do. The AlterWorld Journal is to be updated soon. The kids have been bugging me about it for 3 days now. Last I heard Tawwy has disappeared from the house, and no one can find him. So he is MIA.Bleach usually takes over anyway. He is good like that.

*runs to bathroom to help Trix*

*runs back*

The kids are destroying the bathroom with a bubble bath right now. Trix wanted me to mention him, so there.....I just did. He got scared because he was having problems breathing. It seems Jay ran screaming hot water, and it was too much for him to handle. The poor guy was freaked. He's fine now. Just drowning in bubbles.

Well, I am gonna go wander the web for a bit, then I am off to bed. Knowing my luck, I will start fucking with my template again, and will end up on here until 5am.

Why me?

mmmmmmmmmm........Ativan. hehe




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The current mood of at

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