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~pause for a commercial break~

Friday, Feb. 28, 2003 - 10:23 PM

Sorry to pause the bitchfest rants, but I have some good nes.......for me anyway.

As my loyal readers know, I was recently upgraded from my little dinosaur mac, to a PPC. So I have a comp that actually works. Well, I got fed up with my massive phone bills from running simple dial up internet. So I called up the old internet provider, and had my service boosted to ADSL. I will be paying the same for the next 6 months, with unlimited net time. Thank fuck! My bills were getting hit with $200+ extra net charges on it. That sucks big time. Say bubye to that shit. Now I'll have more money to spoil my boy rotten, and to feed Jay. he he

My dad just emailed me, and told me that he is going to spend the $70 on the dsl modem for me, and buy me a nice comfy office chair. woo hoo! Ain't it great when your parents kiss your ass after not talking to you for almost 6 months? I definately enjoy it.

Now back....sort the original subject.

Bitchfest crew..........I myself am not a multiple, Jay is though. If you go into my much earlier posts....back when this diary first started, you will see all hell breaking loose as we were adjusting to the MPD. It was infact hell.

All I request, is that you don't attack the kids. They are small, and have been through enough shit. Keep the attacks to Jay and I. We love to play with you all, and are enjoying this completely.

Oh, I also agree on the guestbook entry diary. Someone should do up a public one so everyone can add to it. Hell....look at my guestbook...even before you guys came along. There are alot of dumb things posted in there. Just ignore the sappy shit.

Now then.....enough of the commercial break. Lets go back to the war! YeeHawwww!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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