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Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002 - 8:35 PM

"I'm on the outside

I'm lookin in

I can see through you

see your true colors

Inside you're ugly

ugly like me

I can see through you

see the real you"

Those are damn good lyrics if you ask me.

At any rate. HI! Remember me? I used to live near you, you know that house.....ya that one. Hows it goin? Oh, thats good. Well I better get going now...ya, see ya around.

I hate people who are two faced assholes. Psycho vacume bitch is pissing me off again. She spent all day yesterday bitching about one of our neighbours, and how she was being a cunt to her, and that she didn't care because "whatever, I don't need her shit, she can go to hell". Ya ok.....then tell me this you mental case....WHY DID YOU HAVE HER AT YOUR PLACE ALL DAY? AND WHY IS SHE STILL THERE NOW? Whatever. I hate people like that. I tell it straight up, these assholes all talk about eachother behind their backs, then act all wonderful to their faces. And people wonder why we stay hidden in our apartment, and avoid the world. Ya, like I want part in that bullshit. How 'bout not.

The disgusting fat fuck was here today....that being my sons sperm donor. I refuse to admit that I had sex with him. He is way too fucking nasty now. He's about 320 lbs, 6'2" and is always sweaty, and covered in zits. mmmmmmmm yummy. He tried to get me to taste his pepsi blue. I backed away, he shoved it in my face, and I said "no thanks, I don't like other peoples xactlys. He seemed almost shocked at that. Jay thought it was funny. She said he looked hurt and offended by because we had a kid it was ok. Ya sure, it was okay then. I knew where his mouth had been, now I don't wanna know.

He just announced today that he is going to try to get american placement for the practicum he has to do for his corrections program. He wants to go to Oregon for it....Portland actually. He found another fat fish down there, and she spent a few weeks here with him. He is smitten with her. I figure atleast he is going after his own breed. Fat dogs work well together. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm over 200lbs, but I don't dress like a sausage thanks. And 2 of my ass makes one of hers. She is like a female him. I can't complain though, if she gets him down south permamently, then Satan won't have to deal with his constant let downs. The prick hadn't seen his son for just over a month, and had only called him 3 times during that month. His excuse...'I didn't have bus fare". Ya ok, since when does it cost you to dial a phone? what a prick.

Kristian is really upset that his dad is like this. He said to jay yesterday "Jay, if you were a boy, you'd be my dad". He wishes she was. She takes him on massive bike rides daily now. He loves it. She is teaching him soccer, baseball, and how to ride his skateboard. Basically she is doing everything that his dad should be doing, but can't be bothered to do. The prick has even announced that he is hitting the states for xmas. Kristian can basically go fuck himself, because he wants to fuck this american trout. Fuck whatever!

So I have a son who is forever being let down by his dad, and a gf that satan wishes could be his dad. Ya, here is normal. Kristian just keeps going off on this "Jay, you're kinda like my stepmom." Jay just cringes. She hates that term. It makes her sound mean or something. I just laugh at her. I can't wait though. She is a freestyler, and BMX racer. Whrn Kristian gets old enough she is going to teach him how to ride like her. She already is eyeballing trick pegs for his bike. I just smile and nod. I don't mind. I think it's cool. Infact, I have decided that next summer I am going to put satan into lessons at the local skate park. They have skateboarding lessons for kids 7 and up. Satan is only 6 right now, so next summer he is going to learn. Then when we are in a house, I'll have a 6' halfpipe built for him. Unless he goes along with Jay in the freestylin' then the half will have to be a bit bigger for bikes. We'll figure it out later on. He just wants to learn how to play drums right now. So we will concentrate on that. Jay wants him playing on her cd, so she is going to teach him how to play. I eventually want to buy him a bass too. We want him playing everything that she does. He is gonna rock as a teen man. He alredy does and he is only 6. He is the only kid I know that isn't fucking annoying in public. Unlike these whining, screaming assholes that these prissy fucks have. They all make me sick.

Here's the trick to it....I don't hit my son. His but gets one slap maybe once a year. I never spanked him as a toddler either. His attitude is like that of an adult. When he was 2 I took him everywhere with me. He would look at a newspaper or watch a hockey game while I visited with friend....this was sitting in a cafe mind you. He just rocks. I love having him around, he is fun. I used to see him as a cool little brother that you want to hang with, I wouldn't go anywhere unless he could come. That was when he was 2-4 years old. I didn't see it as I had to take him, I just wanted to. He is so self sufficient now that it is almost scary. If he is hungry, he makes himself sandwichwes, or nukes food up. I don't really do much for him anymore. He just wants to learn how to do it on his own. Now he is going into grade 2. It feels like it might as well be grade 12. He is so bloody old acting as it is. I told him he gets a car as a graduation gift. He said, "mommy, I need a license first". Who would say that? Not a bloody 6 yr old I tell ya. But mine does.

A few months ago he decided he wanted hair like Jays. She had a mohawk at the time. I told him that my dad would kill me. I said he had to wait until he was about 14 first. Maybe 12. After all, I first shaved my head at 12, it's no big deal. I am such a messed mom I swear, but I have a polite son who listens. Figure that out.

This is the last weekend before grade 2...I kinda don't want it to come. He is my boy, my kristian, my satan, the kid who sings at the top of his lungs when he takes a shit, no matter where he is.....I don't want him to grow up.

I guess, I don't want to grow up either.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!