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~Another rant on "daddy"~

Monday, Oct. 14, 2002 - 5:32 PM

Man is my life wierdly hectic.

So not only have I been busting my ass doing more html for Jay, but then the kids decided that they wanted some stuff done to theirs too. So, I have spent alot of time working on the kids diary now. I still have alot more things to add for them. I'm doing some nice links for them. I have done childrens websites, and am now working on their favorite t.v. shows. I'm almost done, there are just a couple more that they want added.

Other than that I am helping a friend to discover the truth behind a possible gift she may have. I spend most nights chatting with her and her man. It's good for me though. It keeps my mind off of missing Jay for a bit. Kinda stops the depression from creeping in.

On another plane of mom is suddenly the nicest person in the world. She is doing everything to help me out, we are getting along, and she is having fun with me again. It's starting to feel like it used to way back when I was 14......well, before she married the prick. He kinda destroyed our relationship, and we are just starting to put things back together after 13 years. It's kinda nice.

My dad is trying to start shit up again. He is still calling Jay a freeloader....stupid cunt. He is always trashing both of us for anything he doesn't agree with. Apparently I am better off single....even though I am in love with her, she takes care of me when I am sick, and we have a family with my son. But apparently she isn't good for me. Ya.....more like he doesn't like the fact that I will never have a heterosexual wedding, and live happily ever after. Well he can go fuck himself. I am seeing this fucking psychiatrist because of him, and when I go on Nov.5, I am taking the letter he sent me writing me off again. I am gonna show the reality of my life. It's right there on paper. He calls her a freeloader, yet he knows nothing.....thats okay.....we have tricks up our sleeves......

Jay sold the house today......she has in her hands a cheque for �300,500. That money is being converted to just under $700,000 canadian (god it's great living in a country where the dollar is shit) Once converted, she is bringing it here, and we are gonna buy a house, and live off the money for awhile. Freeloader???? Ya ok...what fucking ever you racist, predjudiced, redneck piece of worthless white shit! Go fuck yourself "daddy"! My girl and I are now officially better off than you. You of course will find this out, when my mom shows you pix of us in our new house.....that Jay bought me! Ya fuck! Freeloader???? Try lifesaver asshole! You make me want to die! She gives me a reason to live! I will hate you forever for saying my MS isn't a problem, that the problem is I'm just lazy! Fuck pissing on the baby rapers grave, I'll piss on yours you piece of shit!

Needless to say, I have a little animosity in me. I still can't forget him telling me I was ugly when I was 13. Ya, that was good for my self esteem. Or then there was screaming at me, and calling me down whenever everyone was out of earshot. Or this letter, in which you told me I was an embarassment to you. Ya, fuck, whatever. I hate you....and I will probably hate you forever. You destroyed my life, my mind, and my happiness for the last time. Now, I will make it my lifes purpose to destroy you. I am better than you...the proof is in my son, and how confident he is. I struggled to get C's in school. You put that fear of everything in my head, and made it so I could never concentrate.....I would think a hands on IQ of 145 would make me able to get a good mark....but no, you destroyed any confidence I had, and I have never been able to exceed in anything. My son though.....gr1 passing with 5 A's....geez "daddy" I wonder if we are doing good in raising him. I still think it's sick that when he asked you why you didn't talk to me anymore, why you said it was my fault. All I wanted was to be loved, all you ever wanted was perfection. I am not your wife! Nor will I ever be that preppy, ugly, fat bitch. Fuck you both!

All I need is Jay, my mom, and my son. Nothing else matters.




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