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~I'm a fucking pincushion!~

Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 - 9:44 PM

I'm not around here much anymore. I can barely sit upright. I'm really sick.

I went into the hospital last night. my temp was 36.9(about 1 and a half degrees below normal to those who don't use the metric system), my blood pressure was 105/71. I was severely dehydrated, and was dx as having a bad infection. My kidneys, urinary tract, and bladder are all on fire right now. I even cry at the thought of having to pee. My trip to the hospital happened when Jay was losing her mind last night. She wanted pills, and I wouldn't give them to her. So she lost it. But I couldn't help her, I couldn't even sit up, I was just crumpling over. So while she was in her room screaming....this being after I took the hammer away from her....well, Satan and I slipped out.

After I was at the hospital for a bit, I got a message that she had called, and I was to call her back. I did, and I left a message. I was crying while I told her what my blood pressure was, and that I was scared. I sat with my mom for a bit, then wandered off to piss in a cup, then after I handed the sample in, I tried calling again. There was no answer. I stretched out my energies, and called to her. I saw her on her bike in the dark. I knew she was coming to me.

The doctor ran a shitload of tests on me. They jabbed me 3x to get an iv in. My veins kept collapsing from dehydration. After 3 jabs, and 2 different nurses trying...they got one in. But fuck did it hurt. She had to dig around to get it in. Then a lab tech came and drew blood out of my other arm. I was given antibiotics immediately for my infection, then they shot me off for abdominal x-rays so they could make sure that there wasn't anything fucked up going on because I was in massive abdominal pain. All the testing came back as being normal. But fuck me do my arms hurt. One nurse tried to get a vein in my left and right inner forearms, then she gave up. The other nurse got me in the back of my right hand...that fucking killed. Then the lab tech jabbed me in the inside of my left elbow. So I am full of holes and bruises.

But as usual, our trip to the hospital was not a normal trip. First of all...Jay raided the drawers in the room, and grabbed what she could. Then she raided the iv tray when the first nurse went to get the other one....but of course this was after she cornered a security guard and had them give her a hospital magnet that she saw in the security office. The security guard said "why do you want one?" Jays answer was of course...."because I'm british! They don't do stuff like that out there, all they hand out is stupid cards." Of course she got could she not?

There is more to our adventure. When I went for my x-rays the security guard was sitting at the x-ray desk. So we started to chat away with her, and joked around. I went to get zapped, and Jay just stayed there yakking away at the security guard. When I was done the security guard looked upset because we had to stop chatting with her. Of course....the whole x-ray thing had everyone asking me if there was a possibility of me being pregnant. Well, that sent the "pregnant through osmosis" jokes flying. Jay just kept saying "baby? Is there something you aren't telling me?". We got pretty bad. Of course there I was in a gown and housecoat....wheeling my iv thingy all over the place. On my way back from x-ray a nurse cornered me and hit me with another bag of saline. I thought it was cool getting one in the middle of the hallway. I told the nurse that the iv pole was my dancing partner. We can't even take a trip to the hospital normally. It was fun.

As soon as Jay arrived my mom took my son to her place. He hadn't eaten yet, and she wanted to feed him. Good thing too...I didn't get out of there until after 2 am. But I didn't mind her going, I sat up in my bed, and Jay curled up on the foot of it with her head in my lap. We just sat and talked a bit. Got alot of things sorted, and had a nice time together. I kept sending her to call my mom and keep her updated on everything. When I was almost ready to go I had her call my mom, and my mom arrived just as my iv was being yanked out. But before Jay called, they gave me cheese and crackers, and apple juice. So Jay and I sat on the bed, surrounded by sick people, and we had a nice quiet picnic. I think thats what love is about. Everyone was going wild around us, but at that moment, all I saw was her, and our little picnic together there on a hospital bed, in an emergency room. The food was because I hadn't eaten or drank anything in 3 days due to feeling so shitty. The doctor wanted me to eat before I went home. When he came to check on me to say I could go, I whined that I wanted more cheese and when he came back with my prescriptions, he brought me another one. I really liked him alot.

Now for the gossip!

When we went in there the chick on the right of me was in for 2 things. She half fell down the stairs and cracked her hip into the railing! can we say ouch? This chick was also complaining of having severe exema on her they gave her cream. Then she left. They guy on my left was getting checked in right before me. He went in for chest pains, and they said they wanted him to check with his family doctor because they thought he had Sleep Apneoa! Shitty deal. Then he left. Then right when we were sorted out, and waiting for the doctor to check in on me...they brought in a guy on my right. He has had a cough for 3 weeks, and got a fever yesterday. The took his temp, and saw a fever of 105. Not good. They were just taking him for a chest x-ray when Jay went to call my mom. Jay laughed at me...I told her that he was gonna go for one, and I also said buddy had apnoea before the doctor said it. I'm too damn smart. Why did I say buddy was going for a chest x-ray? Easy, because he has had a cough that long, and has a fever....ummmm hello? Can we say tuperculosis? To see if you have tb, the x-ray your chest to see if there is fluid in the lungs, as well as other nasties. Thus concludes my gossip column.

I feel ill. I have been sitting here too long. I'm gonna go lay on the almighty couch again, and watch movies with my byrd. I just thought I would update you all. I don't want to go into detail about how bad Jay was screaming, hitting things, and threatening to kill herself.....I can't take the stress right now.

Laterz All!



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The current mood of at

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