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~The kids are at it again~

Saturday, Oct. 05, 2002 - 8:04 PM

So I go out for a bit earlier to pick a few things up. When I get back I have this massive freaked out email from Jay. She fucked up the html on her diary, and was in a panic over it. In about 5 min the problem was fixed, and I had her calm. Then she had me putz around with a few other things on there. Poor Jay. She fucked one thing up, and thought she was doomed. Yet again I save her ass! he he

So I found out that Bleach did a boo boo. He accidently asked Jays mom for a drink. Now you have to keep in mind that Bleach is just little. It was kinda like "mummy, can I have a dwink?" Well, Jays mom looked at him and said "what?" He panicked and pushed Jay out. Jay couldn't figure out why her mom was looking at her strange saying "what?" to her. Poor Jay yet again. Sometimes the kids slip up, and she has to fix it. I am gonna have to have a chat with them about monday. Jay is worried that they will be sitting at the funeral, and one of the kids will come out and start singing. Wouldn't that be about not.

It seems there are 10 new alters who are harassing the girls in Marcy's Clan. They aren't with me, so there is no structure. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done until they get back here next week. I feel sorry for the girls. They'll be ok I guess. If not, then I'll hear it from them, and I will have to find a way to step in, and fix the mess.

So when I was talking to Jay about all of this, I had a hilarious thought....of course she was not quite amused, but I found it funny.Because of all the kids running a muck in Jays head right now, I have told her that she is a human group home for problem kids. I thought it was great...she just grunted. My baby is a human group home. he he

So, I am well beyond wasted again. I just want to sleep forever. It's as if I can't rest without Jay here. I swear we are gonna sleep for a week, when she gets back. I still miss the shit out of her you see.

I'm kinda worried about Jay. She always trips out in a paranoid freakout when she goes. She gets over possessive, and thinks I am gonna get used to her not being here. What she doesn't realise is that I need her here. I can't function without her right now. I have such a bad depression that she makes me move and talk to people. I swallow myself up.....I need her to be alive.

("a moment like this" by kelly clarkeson is on the radio right now......VIVA LA AMERICAN IDOL!)

Well, I am just gonna prat around on here for a bit. I miss my baby, and need to sulk.




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