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~What Lickus wants, Lickus gets!~

Monday, Jan. 13, 2003 - 1:57 AM

hi------Lickus typed that.

My little man is out and about, and raising hell. I have been being told stories of what has happened to him, and gossip about what the others are upto. Like poor Romeo......he went through his arm with a circular saw, and is in hospital right now. Lickus says I will get to see him tomorrow.

So the Alters have been building like crazy. They have built an actual town/city. It has a Burger King in it, a KFC, and all their other fave food places. They have inducted me as their "Mayoress" and had a meeting with me earlier. They were questioning wether or not to put new alters in jail when they came out so that they could learn the ropes. I told them that a halfway house was a better idea. Apparently, Tawwy is up and already building one.

I gave Tawwy a lighthearted bit of shit earlier. I told him to slow down and have some fun. To stop riding the others so hard about working. He told me that they do have fun building, and I told him to just slow down, and to have fun. Then he asked me permission to install pop machines in Alter World....I said it was ok. Then we debated over healthy food. He said they weren't going to have any there, I told him they needed too. Just incase an alter came out that wanted something healthy. He wasn't impressed but agreed.

So the kids have been busy little beavers. They have been building non-stop. I worry about them. Bleach still has a nail in his eyebrow from the nail gun. Tawwy says he is leaving it in, and calling it jewellry. I'm gonna have to pull it out tomorrow, before it gets infected and his head falls off.

So, Lickus has taken over my cow pillow. I got it the xmas I got my cow comforter. I named it Ferdinand, and Lickus has taken him over. He won't put him down. It's cute. Right now he is laying in bed cuddling Ferdinand, and giggling as he is watching Aladdin. He was amazed when I turned on the stereo, and Aladdin came out of the speakers. He loves it. Man do I love spoiling these kids.

So ya.....the reason I am updating, is because Lickus wanted me to. He wanted me to talk about him, Ferdinand, the building, and so on. They always feel special when I chat about them.

Then there is Jay. She went off on a tangent yelling at me again today, then as usual felt like an ass when she realised she was reading into things that didn't exist. I thing my mellow Prozac way of things has really thrown her for a loop. She keeps expecting a fight, and gets me just sitting there blinking at her, with hurt feelings. I guess the happy pills work huh? Poor Jay. She'll get used to the new me eventually.

So in a few days I am off to see my shrink again. I wonder what he will have to say about my mental stability? Will he boost my pills? Will he start to pick my brain? I dunno. I hope that something will come of all of this. The pills are nice, but I have alot of shadows in my mind that are seriously fucking with me. As long as I don't acknowledge that I have a father, I seem to be ok. But when he comes up....I crash hard. My son is starting to trip out because we aren't talking. I keep telling him not to worry.

Kristian turned to my mom the other day and said "grandma...does MS ever go away?" I looked at him and said "no buddy, it's here forever". My son started to cry. So I said to him..."hey bud...when I'm in a wheelchair you get to push me around just like granny". That cheered him up a bit. Got I hate thinking about that too. Some days I think it would be easier to just die. I hate watching myself deteriorate. But, Jay looks after me, and the kids keep me motivated. I just try to hide it from Satan. I feel so guilty for being sick. I want to be strong for him...but.......ya.

Well, my Ativan has about dissolved, and my back is telling me to get out of this chair.

Nite All!



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