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~A rant for multiples!~

Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003 - 1:45 AM


Check THIS out!!!!

I nearly fucking died! This is the coolest fucking shit I have ever seen! My diary....translated into spanish!!!! Fuck me was that a cool thing to find in my Referrers list.

So, at any rate.....Lickus got himself his very own diary now. For those of you who are amused by the name, it is pronounced "like-us". He is my little cutie, and shy as hell. He doesn't even really say a word to Jay. Just me. I figured since today was his birthday, and he requested a diary, that I would do up a quick one for him.

As for you Multiples out there who read, Jay does not freak, or crack, or fall apart on a kids birthday. She gets hit with everything that happened to create the kid, but talks it out, and moves past it. As for the kids, they celebrate their birthdays as if it were as normal as ours. We celebrate. We literally change the negative into a positive. We work past things as a family, and move on. Rather than nothing but bad memories for that day, we create new positive ones. I suggest this for all of you as well. You would be surprised by how easy it is to rewrite history. Only a multiple can change the rules to what they want, thats what makes you all so special. All you need is a little strength, and a lot of determination. You have more control than you probably realise. What they did to you, made you strong. That strength in you, is their weakness. They can't prey on you any longer, because now you are the one who will eat them alive.

That was my preachy rant for the night.

So there you go...that was a quickie. Now I am off to bed to cuddle upto my byrd, pet away her memories of the day, and put her gently to sleep.

The world is a fucked up place.......only the strongest survive......I see multiples as being those who are strongest, and the runner up is the people who dare to love those multiples.

G'nite All!



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