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Friday, Aug. 23, 2002 - 12:19 AM

So here's the deal.

The almighty Meek Man had a major meeting with Arista today. They have agreed to contract him, and Jay. Hopefully he will get off his butt and meet with me tomorrow so that we can get the ball rolling on this deal. He wants Jay in the studio this weekend, but he isn't gonna get that unless he meets with me about it all first. Jay has specific things she wants from the company, and has certain stipulations for the contract. We want this deal....we being the 3 of us....and we need to do this right. In the mean time, Trev is having us go on a spending spree online with his credit cards. He's good to us that way. Yesterday alone we put in an order for 8 pairs of cons, and 9 pairs of docs. Yes, it is true.....women buy shoes! It doesn't matter what style you have to still have one of everything. I have been ordered by him to put in another bunch of orders tonight, so I will probably be up until 3 am again looking shit up. After all, Jay needs her Los Gusanos shit.

So, earlier this week I got a letter in the mail. My father was kind enough to write me a letter telling me how much of a piece of shit I am. It was lovely. I have been told to get rid of Jay, yank out my piercings, and grow my hair, then put it into a nice hairstyle, so I can get a nice job, and be a nice girl. NICE IS FUCKING BORING ASSHOLE! Ya I know....I already posted about this....but damn it! It pisses me off! The fucker has been doing this shit to me for my entire life. When I was 13 he told me I was ugly because I was wearing dark purple lipstick. What kind of father does that? So I have devised a plan, and Jay is backing me on it too. On average it costs anywhere from $100,000 to $200,000 to raise a child. So, I am going to transfer $250,000 from my acct to his when we get our money, then I am gonna write him a letter stating that I have paid him back his expenses, plus interest. Then of course I will say "I have no debt to you, you are now dead to me". As it is, I will be in therapy for the rest of my life because of him...why should I put up with it any longer.

Now I am sure you are asking yourself why I would give him all this money if I hate him and am writing him off. It's easy. I have been told that I am nothing, and that I am basically a loser. He is better than me because he has been a cop for 29 years now. He retires next year. So because of having one job that long, he is god, and I am shit. Ya well....with one signature, and a shake of hands, I will have more money in my bank acct, then he has made in his life. This is how I show him, and make him choke on it. Also, he is my dad, and I want him to be comfy in his retirement. This way I can write him off, and not worry. I am now, and always will be daddy's little girl.....I'll just not be talking to the prick. He can see us on t.v. and read about us in the paper.

So after being pissed off by the chick teaching me, I am about to resume my training to be a high priestess. I despise people who lie to me. She said she would be here yesterday, and she didn't show. She doesn't even have the decency to call and say she isn't coming. It just made me mad, so I didn't talk to her for a day. Things will be normal tomorrow.

The kids have been quiet. We have one. As more come out, the tell their memories then rejoin. So things have been quite slow in that department. I thinks it's best. This bullshit with V harrassing us had started alot of shit between us, and I had to put basically all the kids in. There will be more though, there always are. There have been over 500 alters to date. about 200-250 of them were minor ones that were just fragments off of the others...they were all unnamed. There are almost 300 that have names. We are keeping a list of them. I have met about 200 of them if not more. My kids are my kids.

I sit and look at my life, and it looks like a bloody soap opera. It's strange though. I don't know what it's like to have a normal partner anymore. I don't think I could ever leave my byrd. No one understands us. Everyone tries to break us up, and we are only happy together. How could I leave her? How could I leave the kids? They would kill anyone who tried to replace me. They wouldn't be able to survive, and neither would Jay. If I ever broke it off and left, all the alters that I have put in, would all come out in one big rush. It would be sheer insanity. Jay would never be out in the world again. She would be pushed into the back of her mind and kept there. I couldn't do that to any of them. I love her too much. I love them too much. People who try to involve themselves just piss me right off.

Why can't people see that I am not whole unless she is here? Why can't they see that we can't survive without eachother? Because they can't handle the fact that we are so intuned with eachother that we can have an entire conversation by just looking at eachother, we don't need words. Not to mention we live our way, not theirs. I swear though, my house is like the fucking osbournes. Once this deal is struck....we will be exactly like them....sometimes it is damn scary how similar we all are. my life is a t.v. show.




~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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