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~My history lesson for idiots!~

Sunday, Oct. 06, 2002 - 11:57 PM

Good Goddess! I am a witch!

Well, actually I am....but thats besides the point.

So I get notification that I have had someone sign my guestbook. Ok, no prob. Then I go in to find this:

entry 50

name: allison

email: [email protected]


message: yeah.. i had this game called "nightmare" and there was a game piece named Elizabeth Bathory. i wasn't sure if that was a real person / thing.... so i was thinking maybe your name had something to do with the game. am i right in thinking that? -alli

date: 0:09 am - Monday,October 7, 2002

This is about the time that Jay says "OH SHIT!" I am sick to death of these prepubescent little fucks asking me if I play "ATMOSFEAR" or "NIGHTMARE"! Ok, I own atmosfear...I found it boring. I think I have played it 3x in the 6 years I have owned it. The first time was fun, then it got stupid. So, I do know what the fucking game is. But hello? Why are there so many stupid fucks in the world.

I am a fucking history nut. I read about everything that was evil or freaky. It started years grandfathers navy buddy came to town, and they started to tell stories of WW2. So I got interested, and I studied up on the Allies. Then when I was done, I studied up on the NAZI's.....I found old films and documentaries. You want propaganda? that shit is full of, not nazi's all the states. lots of "they do this! unlike the united states!" It actually shocked me to see how one sided the states were back then. Being a Canadian...I see that alot. I'm still pissed that bush thanked everyone for their help in 9/11, yet we were ignored....might I point out that Toronto's hospitals were full of casualties....ya...exactly. Who's the commie bastard bush?

At any rate....I got pissed at this 15 yr old little girl. So I left her a note. I couldn't help myself. She pissed me off with her stupidity. Does anybody read anymore? Fuck place is fucking full of history books. Ask my byrd....she loves it. So does my son I might add...he is a reader too. I have tons of science, nature, history, and literature for him to read. At the present time I am all hardcore on the history of OUR Monarchy. Yes, I know....americans could care less. Just like I can care less about those of you who can care less. I was raised with the Queen, and I will die a royalist. I mean fuck man! Read up on what some of those fuckers did. Fuck me! They are as harsh as ever. I bet you didn't know that since Elizabeth I we have maintained a protestant monarchy, and that if anyone in the royal family marries a catholic they are no longer in line for the throne. We will never have any ruler but a protestant one. That childish bullshit started centuries ago....and still stands to this day. Thats fucked up man. I nearly shit when I read that. My personal fave is Queen Victoria. Jay was kind enough to give me a coin. It is a farthing with vicki on the back...dated 1887. It's my pride and joy. Sad as that is. I also have Elizabeth II's coronation coin, and golden jubilee coin too. Hey's a hobby.

So as you can see, I fucking love history. It shows how stupid people are, yet how smart they are too. There are unsolved crimes that are still fucking peoples heads. How many peopnow that the Bubonic Plague...or Black Death is still around? It is! People are still dying from it in 3rd world countries. The last case of it I read about was in 1997. Thats fucking creepy ass shit! To think, it came to europe on a boat from china...then killed millions in London alone....not to mention the island of Great Britain, Italy, and so on. How many people know of Ebola? I mean all you hear about now is this West Nile Virus.....well, Ebola makes it so you bleed to death....from your pores in your skin. You sweat blood. Freaky enough? I thought so.

This is the morbid shit I am into. Real history....real horror. I have been scared by maybe 2 movies in my life. I love horror, but find it amusing. rather than scary.....what scared me you ask? Well, the most recent was Resident Evil. That in a theatre made me bounce around like an epileptic. It was great.....then again playing the game I screamed and split my lip. My buddy laughed at me for about a month after that. I eventually got used to it, but he had me play it the 2nd time I had ever seen it. That was headfuck.

I'm off on one again...I know. But this is the 2nd person to ask me about my name on here. My normal online nick is ivytepes Like my email addy, or my aol nick, yahoo nick, etc. I shall explain that one too. When I was 17 I gained the nickname Ivy from a group of guys I knew. The movie Poison Ivy had come out, and I was well known for being a mean seducer....hence the nick. I actually tempted a guy away from his girl one night, and fucked him in my bed with another guy in bed next to us. I was aiming at the other guy, but this one went for it first. When I was confronted by everyone, I said he had seduced me, and they all felt sorry for me, he was black listed. I wasn't nice. I'm not like that I am just a monogamous lesbian domme. So thats where the Ivy comes from....then there is the Tepes. For those of you that don't know....Tepes is as in Vlad Tepes...otherwise known as Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Dracul. The original dracula....yet again coming from areas around hungary.....those old hungarians are pretty much fucked up! So I have the evil seductress, meets the impaler. The names came together with a Vampire The Masquerade character that was developed originally in 1996. My character was a Toreador who was dating the prince of the city....we had a female prince....gotta love the whole lesbian thing goin on here. So Ivy Tepes was born in 1996, and became my online id in 1999. The only other name I have ever gone by online is Liz Bathory. Both have a twist of dark history. I said...history is my lifes passion.

Well, that was a little girl causing a big thing. I think I am goint to wander off and dream about eating out my girlfriend. I miss her, and am going through alot of odd emotions right now. Not to mention invisioning the nasty digicam pix I got earlier that caused me to choke on a mouthfull of sour cream and onion lays chips. Ya...thanks again for warning me hun! God! Some people! But they were really nice artistic pix. Very impressive. (hint hint) ahem! yes well....Me off like a whores clothing!




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