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Another crappyish day.

Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2002 - 9:26 PM

Yet another fucking day in this fucking waste of time called life.

I yet again shit on Trevor. All we want is a deal, and all he does is fuck around. *sigh*

So that was a wonderful bitch session with him. We had it out, and I guess I felt better afterwards. Once I started to chat with Willie was all cool. I actually enjoyed talking to the guy. We didn't chat about much, just normal get to know you crap. But it was nice. I'm looking forward to meeting the guy. He strikes me as a bit of a shit disturber. It's all good.

Cleared alot of shit with Jay today. I'm ok with her. Things were a bit messed with the kids though. A new guy was messing with things today, and he upset me a bit. Cleared that up.

Jay went off and sold a stack of her CDs for food. It was a nice gesture on her part. I just wish she didn't have to do that. Once we finally pin the man down, things won't have to be like this anymore. Not to mention we can get all of those CDs back.

Well, it has been confirmed. I am officially an orphan. My father has written me off, and wants nothing to do with me. As per usual, I am a fuck up, and he hates me for it. So be it. I'll just put that down as yet another reason why I need some serious psychotherapy. And people wonder why I have such a rejection complex. Hmmmmmm.....rejection....Trevor....I wonder...yup, it's definately there. Great.

Well, Captain Meek told me he would be here tonight, so here's hoping. I'm not counting on it, but I'm not giving up on him yet. He just better take our asses to The Misfits like he said he was gonna. I'll forgive him if he does that.

Well, the war is on between Satan and I best be off.




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