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~It's all good Ponyboy!~

Saturday, Nov. 16, 2002 - 11:22 PM

Today........ahhhhh. Today.

Well, we found out last night that we were screwed out of the Santa Claus Parade. The one advertised is the Toronto one. They are just showing it on t.v. So last night Jay and I went on an xmas wander. We window shopped in the mall, and found out that Santa was to arrive there this morning. So I called up my mom, and had her and Satan meet us at the mall first thing. Father he is at this mall, went on a parade through the mall, and finally ended at his little chair.

Well shit!

Imagine the problems we had. 4 kids in Jays head, and mix that with a Father xmas walking right past her. She froze, and I grabbed onto her. She said "this isn't a good thing". The kids wanted to attack him and hug him. Now how exactly would we explain a 21 yr old punk throwing herself at a santa dude, and hugging the shit out of him? Ya....exactly. Bad scene. So I held onto her for dear life everytime he walked past us. Jay wound up with a bit of a headache, and my mom laughed at her. She loved the fact that the kids were so excited.

Speaking of kids. It's been decided......Romeo is gonna stay. I can't tell him to go right before xmas. He's never had one before. So he is gonna have one this year. His stocking was bought today. We have yet to buy one for Toots. I think he probably doesn't think he will get xmas this year, but he will. All 5 of them will.

We put the tree up tonight. Figured what the hell...get it out of the way. I found last years stockings. We had Freak, Dog, and Derek for xmas. This year we are having Toots, Dog, Tawwy, Bleach, and Romeo. They are all gonna love it! My mom is gunning off of the whole thing. For some reason she is taking a real interest in the kids now. I think they have finally said hi to her enough that she has fallen for them. It's not hard to do...after all....they are cute as hell, and addictive.

Speaking of xmas.....we are going to have another party join us. GEOFF IS BACK!!!!!! Fuck me! I was so happy to hear from him. Geoff has been one of my best friends for get this....19 YEARS! He has finally ditched the wife, and is filing for divorce. Thank Goddess! For over 2 years now, he has not been allowed to speak to me, because she didn't like it. But he is back now, and had a long chat with me, then he talked Jays ear off. He really likes her. He has yet to meet her in person, but we are working on that. He wants the group of us to go to the new Harry Potter movie next weekend. He is taking his boys, and wants us to take Kristian with us. His son Michael, and Kristian were practically best friends in 1998. Then the wife decided to become a cunt. After that, they really haven't seen eachother at all. So we are gonna try to make it to the movie.

But, I asked him to do xmas with us. My mom sees him as a son, and when I called her to say I invited him, she said she was gonna tell me to. She fucking loves the guy, she practically raised him. When we were teens his parents constantly fucked him over, but my mom was always there for him. Well, if he makes it to xmas, then everything will feel complete. The family will feel complete. Even my brother Hardy was talking of being there with his wife. This year is really starting to look like it's gonna be really good. I'm having an anxiety attack that is induced by excitement. Finally something good is happening to me.

I don't know if Geoff remembers that Jau is a multiple or not. I'll have to find out. He is the type of guy to think it's cool, and will probably end up hanging out with Toots. The guy is so easy going, you can't get sick of him. I have been friends with him for 19 fucking years, I see him as a brother, and the only thing that has bugged me since Jay first came here, was that she didn't meet him. This is getting too fucking cool!

I can't wait!!!!!!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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