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~Franklin gets a hug~

Friday, Jan. 03, 2003 - 1:59 AM

Hmmmmm......can we say....something is going on????

Last night 2 native males stabbed a guy on a bus. Today 4 teens were rushed and beaten on a train by about 30 natives.

Would it be bad to say the natives are restless????

I know, it's a bad joke...but very fitting nonetheless.

So I have a 2 yr old here with me. His name is Franklin. He is just learning to talk...thanks to Tawwy, and Lil' Poe. This little guy is really bad off. But I'm working on him. He came out last night crawling, and wouldn't talk. Now he is chatty, and all over me. I love watching the transition to freedom in my kids. They start out scared and quiet, and wind up showing how much of a character they really are. All it takes is a bit of reassuring, and alot of love.

So Franklin has moved in with the kids. I find that once I move them from their abusive homes into our house they mellow out, and become normal kids. It's nice to see.

So Jay and I have been goofing around all day. I harass the shit out of her. I swear one of these days she is gonna deck me for it. But it's funny as hell.

If I'm not picking on Jay, I'm chasing the kids tickling them. I blame my insanity on the Prozac I am on. I call them my happy pills. I act like a twit on them. It's fun. I'm still adjusting to them though....that sucks. I'm still a bit unstable. Negativity really fucks me up. But positivity sends me off on hour long giggles. Fuck man! Who the fuck needs drugs? Just get a shrink! There's all the drugs you need! I mean fuck man! I am on of the most highly addictive narcotics. My family doctor won't prescribe them because of how addictive they are. My shrink? Well, he is a definate different story. You should have seen the look on my face when I filled a prescription before xmas. I had a months worth of he was going on vacation, so it would be that long before I saw him again......But then I was handed the Ativan. The guy gave me 90 of the fucking things!!!! I nearly shit myself right there! Then I showed Jay, and her eyes bugged out too. She knows how hard that shit is to get. But my shrink loads me up on it. Of course I still had the previous 21 that he had given me. So I was sitting on over 100 of the bloody things. It was cool. I use the shit to sleep, so I do need it......and there are times that I need one during the day....but holy shit! Ativan much? I think so!

Well, that was my drug rant for the night. I'm off to bed. Boys Don't Cry is playing, and I want to watch it.




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The current mood of at

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