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~Cheesy thoughts~

Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003 - 9:18 AM

So ya, The almighty Gump has triggered a decaying thought process. That being nasty cheeses.

When Jay first came to Canada, she was thoroughly disgusted by the thought of cheese in a jar. Of course to us it's a natural staple. Slap it on sandwiches, toast, melt it down and pour it on shit you don't want to tase, use it as dip. You know, the usual. But poor Jay wouldn't go near it. She was grossed out by the thought of cheese in a Jar.

Then one day, I picked up some tostitos bites, and a Jar of the wannaby cheese. I melted a big scoop of it in a small mug, and sat there munching out. Jay looked at me like I was on drugs. She had this disgusted look on her face, and was staring at it like it was worms or something. It took her a week or so to get curious about it.

The way Jay works is, she will discover a new food, and will eat nothing but that until she is sick of it, I'm sure you can see what is coming here.

One day Jays facial expression changed, and she asked if she could try it. I said sure, and she tried it. She then proceeded to eat the rest of MY snack, asked for more, polished off the bag, got another bag, killed the jar, and bitched at me until I bought another one. She got herself an addiction, and I made fun of her for turning her nose up at it in the first place.

So we are going somewhere with my mom one day, and I tell her about Jays addiction. Jay tells her how she couldn't get over the whole cheese in a jar thing. What does my mom say? "you think thats bad, americans have spray cheese in a can". I swear Jay went green, and I can't blame her. We don't get that shit here, not at all.

So the next time any of you americans walk by that can 'o' cheese, remember that it isn't sold in canada, and scares Jay.

I have so many stories about her and food. The first time she came to Canada she would only eat wavy lays. Now she eats everything in sight. I bug her that she is getting fat all the time. She came here about 97lbs, and left at 135lbs, with a pot belly. Can you tell I am a Ukrainian, and I cook like one? Everyone gets fat around me. It's great.

My sons father was quite ripped when I met him, now he is about 360lbs. He porked out from going through a pregnancy with me, then ate at my place alot, then just reached a weight where it just kept going up, and he didn'y have the motivation to bring it down again. I laugh at that though. I see it as me ruining him. YAY!

So there you have it, a complete entry on food. Next time maybe I will post recipes. LMAO!

Okay....maybe it wasn't funny.

I have decided I want to start a new cult. I haven't quite decided what to worship yet. If anyone has any ideas, then feel free to let me know. But make it creative. Perhaps I will start a whole new diary devoted to it, and anyone who joins the cult will get a buttong for their diary. YAY! We are now gonna take over the world!!!! Or diaryland atleast. It's always good to have a RPG going. I would make it a public diary so everyone could play.

[ ] Good idea?

[ ] Bad idea?

Let me know.

I'm off!



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