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~Daint's Funeral~

Monday, Jun. 16, 2003 - 1:28 AM

In 30 min, the Funeral begins.

53rd & 3rd has been rehearsing all weekend, and as per usual Joe has been a selfish, selfcentered cunt. Captian "the spotlight is mine or I will cry like a baby" has been off on it constantly. I still find it amusing that he ate Jays Bass on Saturday. Stupid cunt. But she nailed him good and split his lip. So all is good there. lol

The funeral is going to be open casket, and I made a request for white roses to be given to him from Jay and I. I owe him alot for his act of kindness.

His gf has Jay riding in the first car with her, and sitting in the row behind her. Jay was really nervous. She isn't ready to see him. but she has to. I can feel for her.

I've had alot of people die in my life. Some I went to funerals for, some I didn't. I suppose the one that fucked me up the most was my neighbour dying in his driveway infront of me. I helped a neighbour pull him out of his truck, called 911, and watched the paramedics work on him for 45 min before they moved him. He never revived.

Then again I watched my grandfather die infront of me in his livingroom with the ball game on. And then there was my other grandfather who waited until we saw him to die. My dad wouldn't take us to see him, then he finally did, we left the hospital at like 8 or 9pm, and he died at 4am. That was harsh.

But my life started with my grandmother dying when I was 7. That was when time stood still for me. I didn't quite understand. I mean our dog had been put to sleep, frogs died, gerbils died....but my grandma was the first person.

The first person I knew that offed himself was Duncan. He used to like to lie under his parents car, open the gas tank, and get high off the fumes. One day, he went to sleep under there, and he never woke up. I remember his gf sarah falling apart, and screaming. When I was told, my legs gave out. I had 2 guys holding me while I lost it. The guy was a complete nutcase. Fun to be with, and always happy. He loved Sarah, and we all knew it. She loved him just as much. I don't think she has ever been the same person since. Are you ever after a death close to you?

I know I'm not....and I know Jay never will be.

But today is the day. I expect her to be right fucked up now.

Things on my side have taken a drastic turn for the worst, and I am quite scared shitless right now. But I'll talk about that another time, Right now, it's all about Daint.

You're a fucker, and I will hunt you down in the afterlife and kick your ass for this. Then I will say thanks for everything, and lick your forehead.

Later fucker. You will never know how much you meant to everyone. I'm gonna give you shit!



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