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Tuesday, Jun. 17, 2003 - 7:49 AM

So get this.

Last week all hell broke loose in Ontario.

A couple of Gay men sued the government for the right to marry. An Ontaio judge granted them that right, and since then dozens of same sex couples have obtained marriage licenses, and have been married. Couples are flying there from all over the country to do it. It is a mad race to get hitched, because the Canadian government wants to appeal this matter in the supreme court. They want it gone. They say that only 1 man and 1 woman should be allowed to marry. That it is morally wrong, against god...blah, blah, blah.

After this happened, the gay pride association filed a lawsuit against the mayor of our city. Within hours of them doing this, he declared Pride Week official. Our GAY city councillor said on all of this marriage shit..."heaven forbid someone like ME should want to marry". I laughed.

People in the city have been quoted as saying "I want to know when they are going to declare heterosexual pride week". The entire city is tripping out. The entire country is freaking.

Today the minister incharge of the decision to challenge the gay marriage fiasco, announced that he is not going to do so. He has decided that they are just going to have to change the definition of marriage here in Canada. That if the Supreme Court is involved, it will be to ask advice on how to change the definition properly. Once the definition is officially changed, Canada will be the 3rd country in the world to legalize same sex marriages. Alberta's Premier Ralph Klein responded to it all with "We will declare no contest! It will be immediately no contest! It will never be legal here in Alberta"....ya, and I live here. Yay!

Now, my views on all of this.

Our mayor is homophobic. He always has been. They wanted a day, he wouldn't give it to them. They fought him for years. Ppl get granted the right to marry, he gets a lawsuit, like a child he screams and gives them a week. Not because he wanted to, but because there is an election year coming, and he was his usual spineless self when backed into a corner.

Ralph Klein is a womanizing, alcoholic, redneck. He is also Homophobic. The leader of his political party rode in a pride parade last year, but this cunt refuses to budge on anything. You see the straight voters, outnumber the gay ones. So he is safe.

And the federal government, including the Prime Minister? Well, they are doing their nuts in trying to figure out how to overturn this marriage deal.

Now, why is this all a problem?

Easy. Stupid fucking idiots who need to broadcast that they like to fuck the same sex.

Straight ppl don't walk around and celebrate that they like to fuck the opposite sex. Then why the fact do all these fags, and dykes have to do it?


Fuck pride week. Fuck your outrageous displays that can scare children! Fuck you and your need to broadcast!

Ya, I am female. Ya, I eat cunt. But no, I don't march in a fucking parade. I don't fucking preach equal rights. And if you ask anyone, I am dead against public displays of affection. I hate the shit. Keep it at home, the world doesn't need to see it.

I like the option of being able to marry whomever I want to, when I want to. But, the fucking world doesn't need to see me practically naked, covered in fucking rainbows, and feathers, dancing on the back of a fucking truck. No one would have a problem with people being gay, if those gay ppl would shut the fuck up, and stop shoving it down everyones throats. It makes me sick.

But no. All these fucking cunts have to preach that they are queer, and demand acceptance for it. Think of a piercing. To have yourself pierced is to introduce something foreign to your body, thus causing shock, and a possibility for regection (infection). If the piercing is done properly, then the the amount of shock is minimal. The piercing is done, and the jewellry is introduced slowly into the body, so as to be more readily accepted. If the piercing is thrust in violently, then the amount of shock to the system is greater, guaranteeing that you will have an infection in about a week or two, and migration in months. Doesn't matter what you do. The shock will cause the body to push it out. The more gentle the introduction, the easier it is taken.

Now with that said, does it not work the same with society?

Shut the fuck up! Quit acting like cunts! and quit demanding acceptance, when you make it impossible to accept.

Heterosexual men don't want to watch men kiss. Heterosexual women don't want to watch women kiss. And I as a mom, don't want my son to see anyone kiss! Let alone some fag in silver lame shorts dancing with a feather boa on the flatbed of a fucking truck!

Homosexuality has become cool amoungst teens because it is more taboo than Marilyn Manson. Why? Because you cunts make it that way!

So now we have people running to Ontario to be married. Not because they want to, but because they can. I don't give a fuck who you are, and what you fuck. That is disgraceful! Marriage is for those who love eachother, and want to take that extra step in life, in showing that bond. But no, most of these assholes are doing it just to say they could. The men who won the court case, well their lawyer was crying when she announced that they were married. The men were crying....everyone around them was fucking crying. They did it for a reason. They are in love. But the rest of the cunts are just fucking it all up.

Yes, marriage is special, and should be a respected institution. But seriously, I can see what the problem is with same sex marriage. No one takes it seriously, because these gay fucks don't take marriage seriously.

Fuck pride week. Just give me the right to marry Jay if I decide that it is what I want to do. If everyone would stop rubbing it in peoples faces, and started being more quiet about it, then maybe it would be accepted.

I have got to be one of the straightest dykes on the planet.

I am just sick of the hypocrites.

"accept me because I am shoving it down your throat"

Ya sure.

Accept my shotgun because I am shoving it down your throat bitch!

So ya, now I will be allowed to marry a chick anywhere in this country, except where I live.

Whats the point in the first place?

I give up. Someone will always ruin anything good.

I just wish these pride assholes would fuck off. Haven't they done enough damage already?

I personally think we should be more worried about immigration screening, and why we had terrorists living here for years before 9-11. I think stopping refugees, and immigration from countries with known terrorist threats is a little more important, then to fudgepackers getting hitched.

There goes the fucking country for ya,

Piss and whine over the gat ppl, yet welcome the terrorists.

I better stop before this really gets to be a bad entry.

It just all pisses me off.

Fuck it!



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