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Help! My brain is farting!!

Sunday, May. 04, 2003 - 12:16 PM

So ya......

I have officially come to the conclusion that I live in a very fucked up city, in a fucked up province, in a fucked up country!

Why, you may ask?

Easy......It's fucking snowing! Not only is it snowing...but the sun is fucking shining too! Umm...ya. Ok then. good good.


So I had a good ol' chat with the byrd today. Seems that Trevor doesn't have a problem with my terms. Albeit I haven't received a call as of yet and am getting pissed. I'm not a very patient person. Not in the least. Especially for this fat cunt. He fed us bullshit last summer. By the time we fucked him off, I felt like a bloody flower bed. I would rather not deal with him, but this is a quick fix to our situation. I just know I am going to regret this in the long run. *just remember's only 3 years*

Poor Lickus. I'm chatting away at Jay, and I called her a cow. "did you call me mummy?", before that I mooed at her, and he popped out to moo at me. He must have popped out 3 or 4 times during our chat. Poor guy misses me like crazy.Not to worry Lickus...Ferdinand is sleeping next to me keeping me company, and I am keeping the Bovine cows away from him.

So, a request has been made by Tie. He wants his own diary. So, pretty soon I am going to start on it. All he said is that he wants it to have something to do with people being tied up. Okay kiddo, I'll find you something good. So keep your eyes open everyone, the link will wind up with the other kids' links on the left. Of course I will announce it in here too.

Where the hell is Jay?

So, I was talking to my mom earlier, and telling her about this deal we are trying to do. You know what the selfish cunt went off on? "well you know, I always saw US as being THE family. Not your brother, or anyone else" Then I got to hear all about how WE need our own places, and whatnot. Ya, ok. Whatever you say mother....might I remind you that all we wanted was a fucking ride to the airport? That was too much for you. You know what mom? If this shit all goes through, then Jay and I are going to be selfish for a change. We are sick of your shit, and plan on starting our lives together....without you poking your nasty, whistling nose in.

Fuck around....she picks my ass on her good days. On the bad ones, I just want to kill her.

I have an idea? When we come into money, then we will do for her what she did for us. We will buy her 2 almost dead blue roses. Sound good babes?

Between my psycho Nazi father, and my selfish, hippy's no wonder I am as screwed up as I am.

Jay? Where are you?

I know.....I'm gonna go play on Kiddonet. Maybe that will help blow off some time while I wait....who knows.


I forgot! Geoff and the kids are coming over soon. Damn company. Just when you thought you were safe. Jay hurry up and get back so people will start ignoring us again. The world is pissing me off by always calling, and coming over.

Thank Goddess that I have been spared hearing from Becky thus far.


I'm off to play!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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