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~Home sweet fucking home!~

Monday, Apr. 09, 2007 - 8:16 PM

Let's tell the story of my weekend shall we?


I got on a bus and left the city. Fucked off to somewhere I've never been before....Fox Creek. I had a smoke in Whitecourt and giggled to myself for that. Then I arrived in fox...of course I didn't know if I was actually there or not. I was dropped off infront of a random building, and was rather confused by it all. That and there was no Geoff anywhere. I pulled out my phone to call him, and just as it was ringing, I heard the bass, and looked up to see them pulling up. Yay!

Long story short. I met the woman, the kids, got jumped on by the dogs(who remembered me) and then he took me on a tour of the took 10 min. lol Stopped at a gas station, bought me a Hustler mag...laughed at the guy working there. Went back to his place, ate ribs, watched a movie, then passed out.


Got up, Called Haze Tattoos to find out getting ink was a no-go, putzed around, went all over the place like retards, went to a local bar and met Terra's dad...dumped my pop on him, and bought me 2 Mozza Burgers. Ate one, felt bloated. It backed off, then I ate the second one before bed.....

Saturday night/Sunday morning:

At about 12:15am it started. Pain. Really bad abdominal pain. As the night wore on, it got worse and worse. Needless to say, at 4:30am I was waking Geoff up, and he was driving me to the hospital. 3 litres of fluid for severe dehydration, and a shitload of meds later...I walked out still in a bit of pain at noon on Sunday. The cool part is the dr was the town lesbian. She was kinda cute too. I'd have said something to her if I wasn't half dead having her prod at my abdomen. I got blood tests, 3 urine tests, and even x-rays. Remind me to go there for hospital trips from now on. They were awesome. Except for the nurses. My iv took 2 tries. The first nurse put the needle straight through my vein. The next got it...but violently. After a while it started to bleed everywhere too. lovely. So now my left hand is swelled right up and black. It's cool though, the bruising has dripped down to my knuckles and they are black, and look like I beat the fuck out of someone.


I was wasted from no sleep at all the night before, all of Terra's family came over for Easter dinner, The men got drunk, played with Geoff's pellet guns, much to the chagrin of a poor yellow happy face bucket which is now full of holes...then the Quad play started. I slept through the gun play, but caught the after effects of Terra's dad Vern getting bogged down in the spot Geoff got stuck in earlier. He was covered in mud, and the 2 guys that pushed him out were nicely coated too. Dinner was over, everyone left, we kicked back and played on the comps, then went to bed.


Got up, Geoff was at work, Terra was in bed barely alive, after 30 min of sitting there bored I cleaned the kitchen. Then everyone got ready, Geoff came home for lunch, stayed an hour then left, we went to the Pharmacy and filled my prescription. Then back to theirs for me to finish packing. Spent a couple of hours talking to Terra about the shit she used to get into, piercings she had, and so on.

Then she drove me to the bus, I got on it, and off I went. We stopped in Mayerthorpe and I got out for a smoke. That made me giggle again. Then off we went to deadmonton.

I'm skipping alot of shit, but who gives a fut.

This I won't skip.

I was sitting next to a fat fuck who kept almost elbowing me in the face. He was talking to 2 girls infront of us, and bouncing around. I was ready to knock him out. Then between iPod songs, I heard him talking about church. That was the final straw. I pulled my gum out of my mouth, and shot it right under his ass. I spent the rest of the trip smiling to myself as I watched him bounce around and grind his ass on the seat...gee...he works gum in good. lol

I got to greyhound 15 min before my mom and Satan , bought A&W then jumped in the car and came home. Thus brings me to now.

*pause to breathe*

It was an adventure. I want to go back.

Last night as we were sitting in Geoff's car in the driveway listening to "Superman" he pulled out a ring and gave it to me. Told me he has one that is identical, now we both do. I thanked him then, but it really touched me today. He's my brother, and I love him to pieces. He wouldn't let me get high, and if I wasn't out in the middle of nowhere, I think I would have gone mental. Needless to say, tonight I'm gonna get high.

I didn't want to leave, I actually have been thinking of moving us up there. I'd just be lonely. Their gay population is non-existent. So it would suck ass. Other than that....I'd rather be there than here. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll find someone who will want to move there with me. But, until then, I plan on visiting often.

I loved it.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

Oral Sex Donations Accepted

Push play to listen to "Would you like to swing on a star" by Frank Sinatra!!!