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~Gone forever~

Saturday, Mar. 10, 2007 - 12:02 PM

So yeah. Was all happy, and went to sleep.

Woke up being told off, and was told it was over again.

Big fucking whoop. Like that's a surprise. Well, shit happens. She was anything but flawless, I just did my best not to point them out to her. No need to destroy the girl.

So, I reply with a "You want me gone? I'm gone!"

And that I am. I am not gonna live my life with some psycho biotch that doesn't know her head from her ass. I won't let her drag me down anymore.

I've reconnected with alot of friends now. I have company possibly showing up this afternoon, and my "Sugar Daddy" has already styarted up again. I never asked her for anything, she just handed it over. She can be a sweetheart like that sometimes.

Well, 45 hours without food. I think this is a record for me. I'm fucking shrinking mate! lol

I've decided that I am gonna start a new diet. I am going on the gastric bypass diet for a couple of weeks. Nothing but fluids for 2 weeks. Shrink the stomach, and clean out the system. The weight just falls off too.

I'm not gonna sit around feeling fat anymore. I need to get out and meet people, and do shit. So, first I need to fix this shit so that I can have better endurance, then try to stop me.

Yeah and I'm smoking again. I was gonna stop. But now I don't want to. My body isn't rejecting it, so why the fuck not? I'm tired of being all clean and shit. I wanna be DIRTY! lol

Getting a tat at the end of the month, and that will end that part of my life. I saw this coming so long ago that I'm really not that bothered about it now. So be it I say.

She's just another notch in the bedpost of life. Gonna get tattooed, laid, and forget her. I'll have everything packed up and ready to go so I don't have to deal with her that much on Thursday, and then it's done for good.

I'm fed up with the games and headfuck. Done with it. Serves me right for dating a kid when what I need is a real woman. Someone that is serious when they say they love you.

This is Amber fed up and moving on. No regrets, just no anything anymore.

It was good while it lasted, now it's done. There are alot more females in this world than just her. Ones that want a life partner, not a fling.

Nope. I'm done. I wrote her off before, I can do it again. I'm an ice cold bitch, and that's how I'm gonna stay right now. Maybe I'll do my player shit again? I dunno. I'll see who stumbles across me.

Thus wraps up yet another chapter in my life.

The End



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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