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~Sweet deals, for a sexy girl~

Sunday, Oct. 29, 2006 - 1:54 AM

So, I woke Kris up at 9:30am as I just couldn't wait.

Today I took Kris to the Ski and Snowboarding show that is going on this weekend. Fuck was that crazy shit.

They had the canadian freestyle team there doing a bmx show on a bunch of 1/4 pipes, and shit. Saw a few wipeouts. That was fucking awesome!
Then we went to the set up for the snowboarding rails display type thingy. They were playing around and doing tricks today, they have a full competition tomorrow. That was a trip and a half to watch.

When we got there they were setting up, and packing snow.

This is how it looked....

It was all packed down with snow they were bringing in from a snow maker out back.

Then the show started...note the announcer dude on the far left...

Then all the guys lined up and got ready to go. I think there were like 2 girls in the whole group of snowboarders.....

Then they started to let loose. I grabbed only a few pix, but in the end I was pleased with what I had.

Here they are...

I was tripping over the last pic because it was pretty clear and of damn good air. lol

After all that we went shopping at the booths. We got Kris new boots, a new stomp pad(black with an anarchy symbol...yeah, I had to put my 2 cents in. lol), new snow pants, and a snowboard bag. We walked out with $700 worth of gear, and it cost us $211. Talk about a sweet deal!

I damn near shit over her snow pants man. They're fucking Burton's and the reg ticket price was $369.99. I asked what they cost, as everyone had deals, and buddy says "50 bucks" I said "Are you serious?!?" He said "Yeah man, new owners clearing out old gear". I looked at Kris and said "Shit! If they fit you, they're yours!"

What did Kris do?

She put the fucking things on and they fit perfectly. So, I bought them. She squealed when I decided to buy the snowboard bag for her too. Fuck man! She owns a Ride board, but doesn't even have a bag to put it in. Well, fuck that shit! She does now! lol

It was a really good day. She spent the evening going on and on about how she's never had anyone support her love of snowboarding. I just told her that it's nothing new for me. Then I reminded her that I supported my ex's love of freestyle and bought her a $400 BMX. She kinda laughed at that and just went "ok" and smiled at me. I don't mind her snowboarding. I love how she lights up when we do something that has to do with it.

I found out that in the last couple of years she has been doing tricks and shit. Hell she told me this afternoon how she biffed it the first time she tried to ride a rail, and then not 20 min later, we watched a guy do exactly what she did, and he crashed hard. I looked at that laughed and said "OHHHH! So that's what you did!" She laughed and said "Yep". lol

When we got home she tried on the pants and boots, and was doing jumping jacks, and deep knee bends in them, then suddenly she yells "I've gotta roll down a hill!" Then she grabbed her jacket and ran out the door before I could even react. I looked out the window, and watched her run up the hill, flap her arms all excitedly, then proceed to flop down, and roll down the hill. lol

She's happy, I'm amused, and things are really good.

And just cause I can...

I snapped this pic of her last week...

That's my Baby Boo! The light of my life, and my partner in crime. lol

I fucking love the fact that I'm dating a snowboarder chick. lol

All these ppl that find them so hot and shit....and here I am with one. Ha Ha! Suck it bitches! lol

Well, I better get my ass in bed. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. My mom is picking us up at 2pm, and we are going to her place for dinner. My brother and sis in law will be there at 4, and then all hell will break loose. Kris is gonna give him shit. lol

Let me explain. My brother hasn't met her yet, but without hesitation he gave her his snowboard. The board is a Santa Cruz, the bindings are Burton, and Ride. Everything is top of the line. Hell, even the new stomp pad that hasn't been opened is Da Kine! Yet again my brother gives up a hobby. So, Kris wants to see about talking him into starting up again, and hitting the slopes with her. Something tells me they are gonna get along pretty well. lol

So yeah. My girl technically owns 2 snowboards now, only one is way too long for her. My brothers is a 163, but she uses a 150. BIG fucking difference. The one my bro gave her is almost taller than her. lol

Meh. It's all good though. We have the board being sold on consignment, and she has her eye on a used Firefly that she can fuck around on the hill here with. The Ride is a $1000 board, and is strictly for when she goes to a proper ski hill, or a trip to Jasper or Marmott. Save the expensive board for the good powder.

Okay, I'm done with trying to look like I learned something about snowboarding in the last week. lol

I'm off!



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