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~Diaper duty~

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2006 - 10:19 PM

You know what I hate? Finally letting go of the past bitterness, and resentment. Moving onto bigger and better things. Becoming happy and content with a friendship with awesome people.....

Then one of those people getting fucking bug up her ass about the fact that her partner has a friend.

"it's ok for me, no one will stop me"

"You are gonna take her away."

Double standard much?

If they put as much work into their relationship, as they do their fights, and paranoia.....they would be as solid as Kris and I.

What a shitty and lonely existence that must be. You can't even breathe without the other one freaking.

We had all of these plans. Snowboarding, xmas presents, if we moved we were gonna possibly have them stay with us. Whyte, Gelato, Coffee at Tim's, and so on. We weren't gonna say much until they were here. We were even looking into getting a car by then so we could go to the mountains.

Oh well. They are insecure with eachother, so they are convinced they'll lose eachother......well, the kid is anyway. Such immaturity. Boy does the ex sure know how to pick them. Must be fun having to babysit all the time. Kinda like being a pedophile isn't it?

Yeah I'm being harsh. I'm fucking pissed off. Why the fuck should I be nice when I'm being told I don't want Kris, and want the ex back. FUCK NO!

I was trying to be a friend. If I wanted to split them up I would have told her to leave, not "I can't tell you what to do, that's just what she is like, and if you think you can handle her then stay put"

But no. I hear how much she hates her, how she cheated on her with a guy last year, how she wants me to talk dirty to her and flirt. How ugly my ex is, and how much she wants to beat her.

And me?

I don't care actually. I was happy, she wasn't. End of story. She moved on, I moved on. I'm happy, and I think she is too....although I don't know how anyone could be with that flaming ball of paranoia. I mean she is a nice girl, but she has some serious trust issues. I know my ex, and I know that she would never cheat. But the kid did cheat, and perhaps that's why she freaks so bad.

Thank god that's not my life. At the end of the day...I can hang up, cuddle upto my girl all mellow, and watch a movie and laugh. No stress, no anger, no paranoia, no negativity.

It must be exhausting to be them. I could never live like that. I love my freedom, fun, and mellow relationship.

Whatever. We offered friendship. They don't want it. We won't lose sleep over it. Life goes on. We're happy and content. We'll stay that way.

And in about a week, or 2...I start to work on the inside of my right forearm.

Life is good.

I'm off to bullshit on MSN with my duckie. *quack*

Out I go!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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