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~So now what do I do?~

Saturday, May. 27, 2006 - 2:00 PM

So, the ex adds me to her yahoo. I call Char up and tell her... She freaks on the ex the next day, and now I am the liar again. *sigh*

My bro Geoff and I were both added. She said it was an auto-add.....something yahoo doesn't have.

I reminded Char that she approached me first, and now the ex is trying to approach me. I have stayed silent, and been keeping to myself here. I have a gf, a lover, and a life.

I was accused of being bored, and having no life. I have too much life. I mean I have 2 girls, that both are okay with me being with the other. You try to juggle the 2 of them and maintain sanity.

Now there is a 3rd who plans to come to Canada and hook up with me. My ex has no idea. I personally am doing my best to stay out of all this. I already backed Char off once, she has started up with the wanting to join my "Harem".

So be it. She's cute, and I know I can rock her world. My girls understand, so why not?

What goes around, comes around. The fucked up thing is that I am actually being good. I haven't flirted once with Char. I infact shot her down when she was trying to get me to talk dirty to her.

So now what?

Maybe I should just call the whole thing off, go into hiding, and say fuck it. I doubt she would let me though. She has an insane mobile bill now from calling me. She emails me from work, and even texts me from a phonebox. She has texted me from her moms mobile, was originally emailing/texting me from her moms email. This is nuts. I've even spoken to her dad on the phone.

This knowledge would damn near kill my ex, as she thinks Char is being good. One day I might just send her a link to get into this diary. Maybe after they break up. I'll leave the both of them to their lies. I won't be a part of their bullshit. I have enough in my life.




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