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~Adventure much?~

Thursday, Aug. 25, 2005 - 1:11 AM

I got bored tonight.

So, I took off to Whyte tonight. Just went down for the hell of it, and sat and relaxed having a gelato. Mmmmmm After Eight gelato. That's the shit I tell ya.

While I was down there, this native man who was selling a paper called "our voice" (which is a paper for the homeless to sell for some extra cash) approached me and asked if he could buy 2 smokes off me for $1. Well shit, I told him to keep his money, and gave him 2. He didn't know what to do, and tried to argue with me. Then I bought a paper off him for $1. lol

By the time I was walking off he had thanked me 6 or 7 times, wished me a good night, and grinned bigger than he probably has in weeks. I love doing that to people.

Now then.....why did I do it? Easy. This guy is probably staying in a shelter. Because of that he is N.F.A. (no fixed address) and therefore won't be able to ge a job.....employers are picky. So, to make money buddy stands on a fucking street corner with these papers, and sells them. People walk past him, and try to ignore him. They don't realize that he pays $0.50 a paper, and can only accept donations for them. No matter how little. The point is.....HE'S WORKING FOR MONEY! He isn't begging, or stealing. He genuinely is working for his piddly few cents he gets. He can't get a normal job, isn't on fucking welfare, and is trying to work in the only way he can.

Why shouldn't I be nice to, and support this guy who is doing his best? In my opinion I fucking should! And now he was made to smile tonight by a stranger that was proud that he was working. He will always remember me for that moment. Maybe, just maybe when society looks like shit to him, and he is really upset, just maybe he will remember that time, and be reminded that not everyone is an asshole.

That is why I did it. After that I had my gelato, and I came home.

I always believed that things happen for a reason. I never go to Whyte Ave, but tonight I did. Was I supposed to meet him? Was I supposed to make him smile?

Who knows?

But, it's nice to think that I may have done something nice for someone. Goddess knows I have been there, and wished someone would be nice to me.

I'm off!



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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