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Saturday, Aug. 20, 2005 - 7:44 PM

It's official!!!

I am on the hunt again! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Yep, I finally reached the point of considering involving someone in my world. Now then....the question of the day is "Who?".

I have started my networking, and am meeting quite a few ppl, not to mention have friends talking to their single friends. I need me a new house cat! Here pussy pussy! LMAO!

It's now a matter of finding those odd enough to turn my head. Not to mention ones with odd enough tastes for me to turn theirs. Know anyone?

So far all that I have a common interest with are not from here. *grumble* But, that won't stop me from looking. Hell no! So many women I haven't tasted, and so much free time to taste them in.

Dammit! What is with me spilling Nerds on my computer desk all the time?

I need my brothers friend Aaron to open his shop again. But, I don't think the fucker is going to. I want my nipples pierced dammit!!!!

I also have this strange need to dye my hair again. It will go black of course....but I am pondering the fine art of doing my blonde streak again.....hmmmmmmmmmmm....ponder....ponder.....fuck.

I probably will. I'll end up bleaching the fuck out of it to dye it pink or something. Who knows.

And what's with my mom being a lazy cunt and not drawing the cartouche I want so I can tattoo it on my neck? Bloody woman!

The decision has been made. My brother, father, and I are officially going to the tattoo convention together. I swear to fuck that will be the oddest moment of my life. I mean, I'm just now getting used to talking tats with my dad, and only recently saw his. Straight edge dad, is now going all biker on me. Satan help us! he he

Had friends over yesterday....that was fucked. My friend is fucking off to S. Korea for a year to teach. Poor husband is being left behind. So, I get to babysit him while she is gone. Satan is excited, he loves the guy. I can't wait to be a nanny. lol


I suppose I should take this moment to say this really important thing......







Spam is icky....but the song rocks!

Ahhhh....the illustrious Monty Python.

You know that you are going to grow up a freak when you can quote them at 5.

Yes, I am a product of odd parents.

Well, that's enough...I'm done.

To those I don't like who read me.....

Fuck you!

I'm out!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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