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Saturday, Jun. 25, 2005 - 12:38 PM


Paul Martin has extended parliament to get C-38 voted on. They say that the vote might take place on Monday.

What is C-38?

Well, for those who aren't Canadian....C-38 is the bill to change the definition of marriage here in Canada. To legalize same-sex marriage. The Conservative party is against it as usual, like the Nazi fucks they are....but the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc are all for it. So, there is pretty much a guarantee that it will pass.No shocker there. This country isn't run by the church like the states is. They say they separate church and state, but they really don't. The multiculturalism here means that there is such a diverse amount of cultures and religions, our freedom of religion would be shot to shit if christianity ran the joint.

Now, being an Albertan, I had my fears of old Ralphie boy raising hell, and contesting the decision. But, Ralph has announced that he WILL NOT do a fucking thing about it, as it would be too much bullshit if he did.....the lawsuits would nail him anyway if he did. So, once this passes, everyone will have an equal right to marry. How lovely. Not that I ever would marry anyone, I'd just like to have that choice.

So, everyone knows that this will raise a stink with our wonderful southern neighbours. Or, all their gay communities will move up here.

You see Canada is a country that this legislation will work in. The states is a country that it never will work. Bottom like, those fags and dykes need to give it up. In the end the states left the monarchy behind because of the church. It was quakers that moved down there, and us? Well, we got everyone else. lol

So ya, it looks as if ppl here in the almighty deadmonton will be getting hitched, and the Alberta gov't will be actually accepting them as being hitched.

Change is a good thing, and we sure as fuck aren't the first country to allow it, Belgium has for years.

Now, if we could only get rid of gay men....then life would be good. No one would ever have a prob with 2 women together, it's 2 men that gross us out. Not to mention when the cunts are all lispy and nelly. FUCK!

Okay, enough of that. I just wanted to document the bill going to vote possibly on Monday.

That's my rant(ish) thing for the day.

I'm off!



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