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Thursday, Apr. 07, 2005 - 1:37 AM

I've been pretty down lately. No major reason other than my inability to walk. My legs haven't been this bad since I blew my knee out in August. The only diff is the depression has made it so I can't eat again, so I am still losing weight.

April is being a sweetheart to me though. She has become seriously intrigued with injecting. I don't seem to be stabbing myself much anymore. She always asks if she can do it....which is a good thing, because stabbing love handles can be difficult for me, and with her doing it there is no problem at all. The first few times the needle didn't come out straight, and I got some serious track marks, but tonight she did one that was perfect. Pretty much zero redness, and basically no welt. She's getting used to it....which is great, considering she is extremely afraid of needles. I want to teach her to manually inject me, but she says she can't handle it yet.

So ya, I can't quite figure out what it is with dykes seeming to think I am an invalid. The ex used to dote on me when I was fucked, and now April is doing the same. She even decided last night that it's her job to get up with Satan???? Geez, and I thought my ex was a rare gem for that....I guess not. So, April injected me, just brought me soup, is making me koolaid, fed the rats, and wants to get up with Satan again.....maybe it's just a woman thing??? I dunno. I am slightly confuzzled by it really. Maybe it's just me? All I know, is that I seem to keep finding ppl who want to baby me, and take care of me. I just wish I didn't seriously need it. I do wish I could do it on my own. I could....but. as with everything in life...things change.
I look forward to my nightly injections now. I inject, go to bed, and wake up feeling a slight difference. I know it's working, I just want it to work faster dammit!

So, here I sit...eating soup, drinking koolaid, with April at my side smoking a cig.

Yep....I'm well taken care of...and not in the Mafia sense. lol

Well, I'm gonna go eat....mmmmmm cream of chicken soup! Yummy!




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