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~Yay me!!!~

Monday, Feb. 21, 2005 - 9:22 AM

Damn was that a good sleep.

You see? Pot is good for something after all. I just woke up after 9 hours of sleep. I haven't slept that long in ages. It was a damn good But then again, April helped me get a lil tired too. lol

Well, it be Monday now, and she arrives in Edmonton on Friday afternoon. Saturday afternoon I take her to Trev. She wants a week to adjust before she starts working, and hopefully he will go for it. If not, it looks like I'll be escorting her to work for a while. But that's ok. She is going from a small town to deadmonton....that's like going from safety, to the middle of a gun fight. lol

Well, I had a bit of a surprise yesterday. My jeans officially look like shit on me. lol

Ya, put them on, and they slid right down, and bunched at my ankles. I looked down, and burst out laughing. I couldn't help it, all I could think of is a lil old lady whose stockings slipped down and bunched at her ankles. I can't fucking believe I hit a point where I couldn't put my jeans on before xmas.

Keeping that in mind, this week is gonna be fucking busy as fuck. Tomorrow I need to do some laundry, weds I have an appt. at Curves....they will be weighing me, doing my % of body fat, taking nutrition info etc. Then I make another appt, and they take me through a workout, and after that I am on my own. So 2-3 times a week I'll be working out. I am giving myself a year to burn off all my flab. At the rate I am going, it might not take that long.
Then on Thursday I have lunch with my friend, and we are doing chinese. That'll be great. Friday April arrives. Sat of course is Trev. Sunday I lay on the floor in my room glad the week is over. lol

So, I have a good week ahead of me, a good weekend coming, and the week after I should be working out. Geez, am I actually taking control of my life and health? Imagine that! All it took was removing someone from my life. No more depressions, and no more being miserable. I'm alive now. I am loving life now, and with April's influence it is just getting worse.

And no....April and I are not in a relationship yet. I'm not ready yet, and she knows it. She is just waiting for me. In a while I'll be ready for it all, but not now. Right now I want to flirt, dream about those I have wanted to fuck for months, and just take time out for me to worry about me. So, that's what I am doing right now. My life and health is more important than yet another relationship. I need a break. Time to be by myself. It's all cool though, because April is looking at getting an apartment in the bldg's behind mine. So, she'll be close, but not living with me. When I decide it's time, I just know it will last quite some time. That is, unless we live together, then I'll go nuts. lol

But right now, I need freedom. I need to find my peace of mind, and have fun. So that is exactly what I am doing.

LOL Poor Vanessa. She wants me so fucking bad, and is too far away to get me. I'd do her though. She's on my list of desirables. And Hey, seeing that pretty face scream out for what I am doing to her would be very nice. he he

Well shit, so many ppl, so little time. I need to book appointments. lol

Fuck was I a fool to put up with the shit I did, thinking no one else would ever want me. Hindsight is 20/20, and if I knew then, what I do now. I would have been single in 2002, and happy for years. Ah well, sucker for punishment much?

I'm better than all that, the proof is in those who chase me.

The sad part is....... I still want what I can't have. Talk about a thorn in my side.

It's good to want things though. It makes you appreciate what you have.

LMAO!!! Oh yeah....I appreciate my insatiable lust!!

I give up!

Auf Weidersein!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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