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Sunday, Jan. 09, 2005 - 10:41 PM

You know, if I had a supergold acct that last entry would have been locked. I don't like sharing that shit, and I was too lazy to go into my ivytepes acct. hmmmmm

Anyway. (Ugh fucking gut) I was just sitting downstairs eating some soup and hoping it will stick around for a bit.....fucking shit already doesn't want to. *sigh*....and a name popped into my head.

Tanya King

What a name to remember, and what a time too. My fizzled wiring in my brain must be getting knitted together by the Copaxone. My memory has been bouncing shit out left, right, and center here.


Now Tanya. Tanya was 8, and I was 10. We used to be close friends. I was always sleeping over at her place. She lived on the same strip of condos as me you see. I have many pix of us together in my moms old photo albums.
Tanya was my first semi hardcore sexual experience. he he You see, I discovered masturbation at about 10ish, puberty hit right before I turned 12, but I had this odd thing I most kids discovering do odd things...My grandfather was a cigar smoker, and he used to give me boxes of cigar tubes. I used to pull my u/w really tight on me, and rub myself with one of those cigar tubes. (too much info???) Well, it was a thing I did when I was 10, that burnt out quite a few pairs of u/w, at any rate.
Tanya and I had been talking one day about sex. Her sister was a right whore, and always had guys around the place, usually everyone was half naked. Well, her sis and "friends" had a thing with spanish fly, and had used some on Tanya like a week before, to see what her reaction would be. They thought it was hilarious. Needless to say, Tanya was a lil sexual demon at 8.
Well, we had been talking, and we got on the subject of masturbation, and I had mentioned the whole cigar tube thing, and she told me to bring one to her place, and arranged a sleepover with her mom. I ran home, asked my mom if I could sleep over there..of course she said yes...I grabbed a tube, and ran back.
Later that night, we decided that we would use it on eachother. I'd use it on her first...and that I did. I knew what part on me felt good, so I held it in my hand, and I rubbed her there with it. After a while, she came. lol
As with every other moment in my sex life up until I was about 19..With the exception of Steve(another story to tell)...I did the work, and she did nothing. She decided she didn't want to, and went to sleep. I laid there pissed off, and wondering why I bothered then. After a couple of hours I managed to fall asleep too.
After that things were the same as ever, nothing changed, but when school started up again she moved. And that was the end of Tanya. That was the summer of '86. I was 10 and a half. It's crazy the things that I remember sometimes.

So ya. There you go. Nothing too outrageous...but it happened. I still remember the stretched glass pop bottles with green fluid in them that she got from the ex the year before. That and the lil glass pictures they used to give out.

A year after that is when I got into Madonna. Then met Kerry...then discovered punk. lol

Man, I remember all of it like it was yesterday. You can't tell me that the Copaxone didn't just fix something.


Hmmm. Satan came home with a cough tonight, and has been coughing since. It's 11:20 now and he is still awake and coughing. Perhaps if my mother would learn to turn the fucking heat up in her place, he might not sound like he has bronchitis right now. *sigh*
Fuck that stunned cunt of a useless bitch pisses me off by how inconsiderate she is. Fucking cunt.

Well, I discovered that no....I can't eat anything. Not even soup. So...a starving we will go. Yippie!

So no nagging me to eat dammit! I can't. *shrugs*

Well, shock is hitting, Satan appears to be staying home tomorrow, and I am as unsettled as a kid with ADHD on speed.

I'm gonna go twitch and vibrate...not necessarity in that order.



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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