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Thursday, Dec. 02, 2004 - 4:55 PM

Have you ever seriously wondered "what the fuck?"

Not just oh..ya...what the fuck. But WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

Make sense? No? Ahhhh good, we are on the same level then. I actually never really question WTF, ai question "why me?"

I have come to the conclusion that people are butt fucking ugly in the morning. It doesn't matter how sexy they were when they went to bed, they always wake up a troll. I personally have the look of farm animal rectum when I wake. Hair everywhere, dark circles under eyes, squinty look, dragging my ass. You know, the look where you go to urinate, look in the mirror and mutter "UGH!"

And now it's time for:


So I hang in a tahoo chat room. Have for about a year now. I'm officially classified as a "reg" and everyone knows me.
In this room there are old men who want me to "redden" thier asses, women who want to get nekkid for me or with me, and holy crap are we all cunts to any new person who comes in thinking they are all that. We have iggy wars at night, bitch about politics, and argue al the time about nothing with ppl that run away and never come back.

Todays tale?

"Test....the wannaby perv"

So ok, there is this guy test who is a royally sick fuck. He is a reg, but more of an insult target than anyone interesting to talk to. He comes in drooling over reg chicks, and gets slammed repeatedly.

Well, today was my turn for his harassment. As soon as buddy realized I was a domme, he periodically comes after me for cyber domming. I think not. But for whatever reason, he was bugging me again today, so I happily cut him down in about 8 diff directions. Of course all were done in public, and all involved me being grossed out by boy germs. lol

Naw, he is just one of those pitiful ppl that are always sniffing around hoping for sloppy seconds.

I hate that.

Hmmmmm, don't you hate it when you are in a dorky mood, and feel like talking to just about anyone, and all you end up doing is making an ass out of yourself, and they just blink at you silently? Good thing I learn my lesson quickly.

I give up.

Fuck am I bored.

I suppose there are a million things I should be doing, and could be doing. But instead I am sitting here bored, and lost.

I think I need a stalker. I mean if someone would stalk me then I wouldn't feel so fucking alone. I hate it when I am sociable with no one to talk to. *sigh*

Well, I'm gonna go find something to do. I think.

hmmm....maybe I'll go see if test is still in the room so I can degrade him some more. It makes him feel special. lol



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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