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Sunday, Aug. 15, 2004 - 2:00 AM

Jay is hurt.

Get this.......

I was nicely napping in my chair, unaware of the world. Next thing I know Jay is waking me up, chattering away, holding her hand to her face, blood dripping everywhere.


I of course wasn't awake enough to take any of it in. All I caught was broken bottle, and face.

So, I sent her upstairs to the bathroom, cleaned up the blood, and got a look at the cuts on her face. I grabbed some tissue, and sent her to lie down while she applied pressure to it. (Thank god for first aid/CPR training huh?) I doctored her face up, but couldn't stop the bleeding even with pressure. Damn head wounds. So I did what any normal person woul;d do. No...not panic....I called my mom.

She told me to ice it, so I did. Eventually the cold and the pressure stopped the bleeding. All of that happened last night.

Today I took a good look at her cheeck....bruising black eye, swelling and all....and I counted aout 12 small cuts from a broken beer bottle on her face.

Yes, I know what you are thinking....WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED??? Am I right? Good then.


Well, Jay took Skit (a little guy...came out last week) to see the "dogs". Those being the community of Prairie dogs we have living near us. Well, they were on the little hill that the prairie dogs live in, and Skit decided he wanted to spin in circles on it. A lovely thing the kids like to do, that gets me saying.."Don't spin in circles, you'll get dizzy and fall down and hurt yourself." Take a wild guess what happened.


Skit spun, Jay fell, the right side of her head hit the groung, her cheeck hit a broken bottle. Jay reached up to her face, saw blood, and ran home. She woke me up, and thus began my stress, and her being doctored up. I'm thankful that the cuts are healing up, as I didn't fancy having to take her for stitches.

All the cuts are on her cheekbone, and it looks like someone slashed her up with a razorblade. The cuts are perfectly sliced with no ripping. It looks as if she won't have much, if any, scarring.

Stress? Yes have some.

Other than that, we have 2 kids around right now. Both boys. Their names are Skit, and Stuck. Sticks, a little girl was here for a bit but went in.

Things are pretty mellow here right now, other than Jay landing on her face and freaking me out by dripping blood all over the floors in my apt. Disability turned me down, and I'm pissed. So I am doing what I am told, and will eventually re-apply. I'm not overly worried at the moment.

Oh, and on an aside....I found out the whold death of Jays mom was told to her by TGO....when it was discovered TGO was made to go in. Guess she/he wasn't so great after all huh?

I'm off.



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The current mood of at

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