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~Fucking shiiiiiiiit!!!!!!~

Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004 - 6:30 PM

Well, life is good.

Part of this is going to be an update, and part is going to be a message to Jade. Seeing as Jay, Jade, and Z are the only peeps with access....why not?

Ok, Jay and I are doing good still. I speak to her in small amounts each day, but it makes me so happy, that I smile for hours afterwards. I still miss her like crazy, but she has a flight next thurs, so it's ok. For once, there is no bad blood, no arguing, and lots of love. I'd have to say that the turning point was valentine's day. Things have been amazing since then. I think that night I was so comfy that I finally let my guard down, and let her get close to me. I'm not sure why, but I had her at an arms reach for years. I know I still have barriers up, but atleast they don't make me mean. It's crazy, she is a multiple, but I'm the one with the trust issues. Good then....there there amber. lol

I miss my kids, man do I ever. Luncheon emailed me and told me that he is going to school now, and is learning how to draw me pictures. Thats great. When he first came out, he refused to talk because of how traumatized he was. Then he started to talk, but would remember something, and go silent again. He was locking himself in things, and always hiding. It's a great feeling to know he has calmed down enough to go to school. My little Lunchy Muncht chatterbox. lol

Well, Satan has teachers convention right now, so he has today and tomorrow off school. We are both happy about this. I am sleeping the day away, and he is glued to Zelda. He has been playing it for almost 12 hours straight. Atleast he is eating, and chatty when I go talk to him. He is happy. That makes me happy. I just sit in my room watching tv while I fuck around on the computer.


That was a shocker.

Okay, now for the views on weirdness....for Jade.

Okay, I was talking to Jay about your situe, and she agrees with me. It has to be alter related.

Let me explain.....

Alters have more control over the hosts mind, than the host realizes. I know this for a fact. A few examples of this are...xmas. Yes....xmas. I go shopping with Jay and do all my shopping for her. I pull a kid out, and the kids and I shop together. Jay is hidden from it, and sees/hears nothing at all. lol It drives her nuts, but it's just what we do. That way I can shop with her, and can get it all done. If she sees something I have for her, and starts to consider buying it, the thought is taken from her, and she forgets that she even saw the item. The kids fuck with her alot really. She came here in nov. and was all over the place, craving drugs, and freaking me out. In about 10 min, after I spoke to a kid, the memories of the drugs were taken away, and Jay was the person she was when she left.

Depending on the strength of the alter, depends on how much power they have over the host. I have talked to a few kids about if they can place thoughts into Jays head, as I was fixing a thought process in her, and they said it was alot of work, but they could to a certain degree.

Now, with that being spoke of a man at the door....think back, and see if you remember him at all from when you were little. Technically speaking, that could have been a living memory. Like watching a movie play out in real time.

Personally, anti psychotics probably won't do alot but fuck you up worse. You are having psychotic reactions to the meds you are on now, an antipsychotic will make you sick more than make you normal. A multiple doesn't need antipsychotics, they need special therapy on a regular basis. A cult programmed multiple needs serious psychotherapy to start the process of deprogramming so they can become a normal multiple/integrated. If the shrink ignores your mpd, and tries to shove pills in you first, then ask to be referred to another one. Ask for a mpd specialist.......hell tell me your home town, and I will find you one myself. You need therapy with an expert. Not more pills.

I seriously believe that the picture was sent to you to bring something out in you. To trigger you to a point where an alter is let loose.In all my studies of cult programmed multiples, I have learned that alters are created by the cult for specific reasons. Where Most of Jays were created to protect her, most of yours were created to attack you. I believe all this is one of them.

There you go. Thats my views on the situation. Hope it helps.

Well, off to feed satan and myself.

By the way........sorry for the not answering you on yahoo Z, I was playing a game on neopets with the sound off. I wasn't ignoring you. I didn't know.

I am off........missing my baby byrd, and my kids.

I can't wait until next thursday.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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