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~Funny shit!~

Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 - 3:23 AM

Got reviewed by a closeminded, opinionated, immature female tonight.

Loved it.

15/100 baby!

My diary is shit, my writing is shit, I am a racist drama queen, and my layout is cluttered and disgusting.


I have had quite a few ppl review me, and they usually kiss my ass, then try to befriend me. This was a nice change.

Just one thing though.....she strikes me as being sheltered, and too.....sunshine and rainbows.

The review strikes me as if I had fucking care bears, and went on about non existent sexual fantasies and such she would like it. oh well

My template is a sarcastic view on life. She took it as literal.

Must be sad to be like that. Glad I'm not. Leave her to it. She said that she thinks I have created the kids, and Jay, and that the pix aren't real. I would hate to go through life that closeminded. If Jay isn't real, then I feel sorry for poor Z and Jade....I guess they aren't either.

Geez Steph.....where did you find that flake?

Well regardless.

My diary is MY diary. It isn't a tool for others to use for entertainment. If I am such a glory hound, then why am I locked? And why have I only ever had 3 places review me?

Ya, I admit it.....the shit she said pissed me off. She says she read most of my diary, but she did it in one night according to my stats, and she asked questions in the review that would have been answered had she of read it all.

I am a racist anti-american. Well, when you live above a country where 90% of the population think they are gods, or that god is in them....well, the preaching gets on your nerves. And ya, I laughed at 9-11......until the second plane hit....then reality sunk in, and when the buildings collapsed, I filled with fear.

Hey Jade....I guess I have to hate you now, as you are an american. lol

Well, thats enough of that.

I am going to go cuddle in bed with my invented gf.

hmmmm......perhaps this female reviewer is a homophobic bigot?

So be it.


Thats cool.



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