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Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 - 2:57 AM

So JJ from your tag did you notice the subtle way I said "You can learn more, and I might be able to help"?

Like I said....too damn friendly. lol

So ya....onto me.

Rough day today. Bit of an emotional rollercoaster really. Started out good, got shitty when Satan went to bed. I think I am gonna ge a tattoo that says "Not to be left unattended". Fucking mind works overtime too much, and it isn't even getting paid.

So I was amused earlier though. I went for a flu shot. The nurse tells me to roll up my left sleeve. I do it, and reveal my tribal fishbone. She sees it and I say "You are sadistic! You are gonna stab my fish! Hasn't he been through enough already? He's already dead." She laughs and stabs off to the side, missing the tattoo, and hitting a very sensitive spot. I never felt the shot, but damn did I feel the sting afterwards when I was sitting and waiting before I could leave. But I am jumping the gun here.

She told me to go sit for 15 min to be sure I wasn't going to have an allergic reaction to the shot. I say that I better roll down my sleeve before my dad sees my fish. She says "he doesn't know?" I said I wasn't sure, but he had just retired from 30 years as a cop, and could get anal about these things sometimes. She says "but you have one on the back of your neck, surely he has seen that". I keep forgetting it's there. So I say probably, but I don't think he knows of the others though. Which of course gets her examining my eye, then my leg. She had a good old look, then I went and sat down. Then some woman and I start chatting about stupid things our kids have done. That was amusing. Leave me to have an adventure just getting a flu shot. It's the story of my life.

So my dad took me out for lunch after, and we went to Tim Horton's. I had a sandwich, while he just had an Iced cap. We must have been there for 45 min talking. He told me he had a lead on a job, and was considering it, but was worried because he didn't think he knew enough to do it. I told him that was normal to feel that way. I mean he had been a cop for 30 years, he knew his job well. Going to something new was gonna be scary. Then I told him about my first shift in a group home, and how freaked I was. We had a bit chat about computers, and programs, and his best friend who is in Bosnia now.

Then on our way back for him to drop me off, he decides that I am gonna bake satans b-day cake this year. So he goes to stop at a grocery store, and I point out the time, and that satan is out of school in 6 minutes. So we race to the school grab the brat, and go off to get the goods. My dad bought me like 4 cake mixes! They were on sae 4 for $5 so he bought 4 of them. Satan chose chocolate chip cake, and rainbow sprinkle frosting for his cake. I already have candy letters, squiggly candles, and sparklers to put on the damn thing....also from my dad. So saturday I bake the cake...that is, if I can find another cake pan to use. *rolls eyes*

So ya, I baked 62 sugar cookies tonight. Tomorrow I do the ones for satans class. Those were for the school faculty. I am having some put in the staff room, and others in the office. The receptionist is my biggest fan, and was whining that she didn't want to share my cookies. So I told her I would do extra just for her. There will be 42 staff working in the school on friday, so I made enough for everyone. They all got boring ones that say "BOO!" the cookies are actually the word. The kids are gonna get bats I think, or just pumpkins....maybe ghosts. As you can see, my dad had bought me halloween cookie cutters 2 years ago. When I am doing the cookies, I am also doing Jell-o Jigglers for Satans class. They were a big hit last year. So I am doing even more this year. I have like 9 packages of Jell-o in thi place right now! lol

Samhain rides again!!!!

I just hope that friday night my mom will take me over to my grandfathers grave so I can leave him an offering again. I don't need an ornate celebration to bring in Samhain, but I do need to say hello to the loved ones who passed. They need to know that I still think of them often. and Samhain is when the air is electric with energy, and they can hear you the loudest. The offerings give me inner peace. I need them this year. Atleast all 3 grandparents are in the same cemetary....and it is right next to where my mom lives.

So ya. My busy week continues.......

Then I get to deal with turning 28 on the 23rd. Yay.

As the enthusiasm bleeds out of me.

But ona happy note. I think I have lost another 5 lbs. I actually wore an XL shirt today, and didn't look like a fucking sausage in it. And to think....not too long ago I was in a XXXL because my XXL were getting tight.

Sometimes life really is good.

And I am getting cocky now.

I was strutting around today like I owned the world. Dropkick Murphy's shirt, lepoard print skirt, 14 hole docs, and my flight. Kicking ass, and taking names. My pride, and ego are coming back with a vengeance. Guess thats what happens when you aren't being dragged down by bullshit. You turn from a mushroom, into an eagle. And I am soaring baby!

Full Throttle!!!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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