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Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 - 8:45 AM

Unlocked? why yes....but for no good reason.

No, she is slandering me with everything she has on these boards. Fuck are ppl stupid. It's a girl pretending to be a guy. Why? Because she has issues with her gender, was supposed to have a sex change in 2000, never did, and is still headfucked by being a girl.

She told everyone that she lives in NY, but is visiting a mate in Rome,GA. Some girl in GA wants Jay to call her. I want this girl to ask her about GA. I want this girl to corner her with questions. Anyone who isn't blind can see the lies she wove on the board. She trips up, then covers it up.

But I'm the psycho right?

I can't believe I spent like $350 on her, just on crue stuff. I should advertise this shit, see if someone will buy it off of me. Anyone want Brue, or a crue towel, or some pins, clocks, mags, or a g-swine t-shirt? I like crue, but am by no means a cruehead. Ask me anything, I won't know. Thats Jays thing. I can't believe the shit she has been saying about me. She supposedly loves me, and hates these ppl. I bought her a fucking diamond! Ya, like I ever want to marry into this shit.

I just wish I could expose her without the kids being involved. But I can't. The one thing I hate more than anything is this world is liars. I am now accused of being one because I told the truth. Well, I can back anything I say. She has a digicam, a webcam, and alot of pix of herself on her comp. Why has she not put any up? If she is a guy with a sis, then there would be no prob in her posting pix of the 2 of them. And why doesn't someone use an IP tracker to see she is in the UK, not the states?

But I'm the liar.

Ya I lied for her. To ppl here, to myself, to my family. Even ppl online. I just can't do it anymore. If only she had said her psycho ex was someone else. If only she had left me out of it. It's funny how truth is airtight, yet lies keep changing. She has an excuse ready for anything, and everything. My story will never change. Why should it? It's the truth.

On a separate note. Satan has a half day today, so he will be home in 3 hours. Tomorrow he gets his school pix taken. This years pic will be better than last year. Lats years was funny as hell, he was losing his front teeth. One had come out, the other kinda floated over, then dangled by a corner. So he had this tooth crooked, in the center of his gums, just dangling there. The night he had his pix taken, I asked him why he didn't just pull it out. So he did. No, don't do it the day before or anything. So ya, he had his hair cut last night, and is ready to go.

My dad was complimenting me all afternoon about my hair. Well, the fact I have some now. He took a few pix of Satan and I. He is sending pix to his cousing Rosie in Colorado Springs. She has no idea what my brother and I look like. So he was doing Hardy and his wife, then K and I. So he pulls out this hitech digicam, and man did I laugh at him. Last I saw, he had this massively expensive camera that did everything but make coffee. He was always getting confused by it, and trying to make it work, then asking if the flash went off or something. He had to buy the best, but couldn't figure it out. So he got rid of it, and got himself a digicam. He said he was gonna email the pix to me today. So when I get them, I am going to put them up in here, so ppl can see I have hair. The chelsea is no more, after 2 and a half years of it. My bangs were getting too thin, so I had to grow it all out to start over again. But the whole having hair thing is like a novelty to me. My MS is firing off all over the place now. But I don't know if that is Jay, or the hair. But, I have hair now, and a dad that is happy. lol

Man is my dad a redneck.

Which reminds me, I never did put up the pix of his wipeout. I'll have to do that. They are taking all the panels off the frame of the bike, and piecing it back together. But it is being done over the winter. The color is a custom one, so everything needs to be special ordered. My dad will get his bike back in the spring. I can tell he's a bit nervous about it, but he will be ok. He was chatting about it last night, and said that at no time did he think he was going to die. Just that he was rolling down the highway, wishing he could stop. That will probably make it easier to get past. His injuries still haven't healed. He is still limping a bit, and the fracture in his finger is still killing him. But he can't complain. He is here after all.

My dad asked me last night what I wanted for my birthday next month. It stumped me. Then he says "remember I'm a pensioner". I had to laugh. I told him to get me the OLP dvd when it is released. I think it comes out either this month, or next. He said to email him a list of ideas.

So, I finally cornered him, and asked him if he had any Lynyrd Skynyrd dvd's.....he was being evasive about answering me through email. He told me to save my money, I said "what do you buy the guy who has everything he wants, for xmas?" My dad laughed and said "so you want to buy me a dvd then?" I said I did, so he says "get me American History X" FUCK OFF! I laughed my ass off! Ya, my dad is a redneck. I told him I had the movie poster hanging in my living room, I owned the video, and I saw the movie for the first time in theatre on my birthday in '98. He said he had seen bits and pieces of it, and really wanted it. So, I am getting my dad a movie about skinheads for xmas. Good then.

Well, I'm done with this Jay shit. I made my point, said my piece. She will find a way to make me look bad, and lie her way out of it all. So be it. She can live a lie, I'm not anymore. I like living in reality. It may infact be shitty, but you can change it if you want, and I want to.

I love her to death, and the next month will be hard getting used to no having her around. But, I'll get past it. I got through the last 5 months of being without her. It's funny you know. when she left, I knew she wouldn't be back. Thats why I was so upset. She has lied to me about 19 flights in total. No one could ever miss 19 flights in 2 months thanks. I just hit a realization that she wasn't coming back. Love isn't conditional. It isn't supposed to be "I'll love you if you lie for me, and back me in this". I was going to. I really was. Geoff came right over. He wants to give up his canadian citizenship, and become american. He has been all over the states. He could pull off saying he lived there. He was going to research Rome,GA and see what he could talk about. The only fear was if she asked about Motley Crue. Geoff likes their music, but knows nothing about them. So if it came up, he was fucked.

I was gonna do it, we were. Then I saw her trashing me.

If you love a person, how can you call them down? How can you make them out to be like that? Shawn did that to me when he was fucking the chick 2 doors down from me. He laid on a thick sob story so that she would let him live with her. I had kicked him out you see, so he put me through hell. Jay just did the same thing, and I have responded the same way I did with shawn, I just told the truth. ppl can draw their own conclusions. But I am not the sick fuck she has made me out to be.

And to think, I locked out steph because I was ashamed of wanting Jay still, and I wanted ppl who could see my excuses for myself to be the only ones in here.

Well, looks like I have egg on my face now.

One day I might actually listen.



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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