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~A rant....first thing in the morning~

Friday, Sept. 12, 2003 - 6:08 AM

Fuck around!

John Ritter died of a heart attack.

He was in the middle of filming an episode of "8 simple rules on dating my daughter" or I think thats what it's called. At any rate, he was in the middle of filming, and he dropped from a heart attack and died on set. He was 54, about to turn 55.

It makes me think. My dad turned 55 4 days ago. Not that I am all that worried about my dad. He just retired, and takes good care of himself. His dad died of a heart attack. But he was 75 at the time. My uncle just turned 65. There is 10 years, and 2 days between the 2 of them. I remember when I was little, I said "oh good, then he'll die first" when I hear the age diff. I got in shit for that comment, but I was about 5 at the time I said it.

What a crappy day it is. It's windy, and raining, and yucky. I of course am worried about Satan walking to school in this. I might have to walk him to ease my mind.

Ok, everyone is tripping about some sand nigger that the states deported to syria. He aparently is a canadian citizen, and OH MY! He's apparently being tortured. He was sent there under accusations of being a terrorist, and 3 whole people want to know why the canadian gov't won't help him.

Hmmmmm.....9/11, terrorist accusations, sent by the US, 1 man, Syria...........personally, I could find so many better things to spend our tax dollars on. If he was shipped there by the US, then there must be something behind those accusations. I personally think we should look the other way. I understand his wife and child are upset by him not being here, so we can give them plane tickets to fly their sheet wearing asses there. BYE! SEEYA!

We have a bad enough reality in knowing several of the terrorists from 9/11 were living in Canada. We don't need to bring one back that was pinpointed by the states. And how do we know that fucker wouldn't join up with some group as soon as he got here because Canada left him there for a year?

I better stop. I'm gonna start preaching. I think I spend to much time with my dad bitching about the lack of cultural assimilation, and how these fucks come here for a better life, but try to keep their old ways when they gey here. I think the US and Canada needs to do what France did. If you don't have citizenship, then GET THE FUCK OUT! I don't care what country you are from. If you don't have a Visa, and aren't here officially. Then get the fuck out. Ya, I know that it would include Jay, but it would get rid of everyone else too. It's almost worth it. Well, as of the latest bullshit. It is worth it.

So ya, thats my predjudiced rant for the day.

I'm gonna end this before I start climbing ontop of my computer desk screaming "ZEIG HEIL!"



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~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
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~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

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