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~This blew me away~

Thursday, Jun. 26, 2003 - 7:30 AM

So ya, odd things happen in my family.

If you have been reading me for awhile then you will remember my family. My asshole brother who beat the shit out of me, and banned me from even looking at his friends..let alone saying something to them. That was a no-no. He had nothing to do with me my entire life, and started to hug me after I wound up with Jay. When my mom told him I was with a girl, he stood there with a weird look on his face, then cocked a grin and said "Well, I guess I need to buy her a lumberjack shit now". He is twisted. But I knew that he would be cool with it. Hell, he and one of his ex's borrowed my BDSM books from me. My brother seems to be alot like me. Only now he is ecstatically married. Happy doesn't make it in there. The guy was dead set against marriage, and his wife just makes him that happy. I understand though. She is like a perfect housewife, with pierced nipples, tattoos, and a stable career. He chose a good one.

Then there is my dad. My dad is a homophobic, blues and bluegrass listening, just retired carrer policeman, redneck. Fuck, the guy formed his own motorcycle club, and lives on his bike. He wrote off a cousin because he was gay. The day I told him I was bi, he burst out laughing at me. The day he met Jay for the first time, he was awkward, until he spoke to her. Then he started to hug her. He suffered through my brothers wedding, and reception...introducing her as my "friend". She was bothered, I told her not to be. He was just handling things in his own way. I figured it was a major compliment that he actually introduced her in the first place. lol

Whats the point you say?

I got an email from my dad this morning. He is planning on taking my son camping this weekend, seeing as it's a long weekend (Canada Day July 1st for you americans out there). So, I had emailed him last night to okay it, and ok his offer for swimming lessons for my son. Then I mentioned that Jay was coming today(she's on a plane right now) and that she had a visa that gave her ianded immigrant status for 7 years. (ha! She's an immigrant!) He emailed me back, and commented in his email about wondering how much bullshit she had to go through to get the visa. Ok, no problem. Then he completely fucked my head with this.........

"Hardy mentioned to me a couple of months ago, "Jay looks after Amber doesn't she?" I said, "Yes, she cares for her." And she does. Never take her for granted, Amber, she's a gift in your life!"


Ok. The guy was homophobic the day he met her, but now she is one of his own????

I don't know man. He is retired now, and working around his house alot. Maybe he has been sniffing too much paint fumes or something? How about premature senility?

Goddess only knows what he is on. Perhaps he is finally happy for once in his life because in his words "No more dealing with assholes on a daily basis". Welcome to life as a cop. Everyone hates you because you have a job. My dad was cool though. He was never a cop unless he was getting paid. He figured, not paid, doesn't concern me. I'd ask him advice, and he would shrug. It was funny.

My buddy geoff spent our teen years into massive illegal activities. What does my dad do? They were chatting one day about the fact that the cops here had just got Glocks to use. This was in '92 I think. Well, they were chatting, and my dad pulled out one of his business cards, and wrote all the specs of these guns on the back of it, and gave it to Geoff.

My dad, brother, and uncle are all trigger happy with gun collections. I had my proficiency to shoot when I was 12. That was fun. I found out that day that when you are 12, a 9mm has a fucking kick! I spent most of my time blowing off rounds iwith my brothers semi auto 22mm. It was small, and fun. lol

So ya.

I'm beginning to think that no matter what goes on, I either won't be able to get rid of Jay, or my family won't let me.


I wonder how well my dad would react to attending a same sex wedding???


Now that would be funny!



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