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~Whatever.....Fucking religion!~

Friday, Jun. 06, 2003 - 8:03 AM

I don't have the strength to fucking talk anymore.

So lets talk about Sammy Sosa.


There, I spoke about it.


My gift was a truce for a day. The truce is over. I am still hurt. I cannot forgive.

But I must congatulate all the sheep out there that did all the guestbook signing. Jay being one of those sheep.

It is not an official week to sign. A girl invented that, signed a few, and it took off.

This girl is such a nice person, I stopped reading her months ago because she disgusted me. Her gf was in torment, and falling apart because of her family, and all this woman cared about was a scraggy ugly cat. Nice to see she cared. So, after reading her for a while, and realising that she maintained being shallow, and a superficial cunt.....what do you expect from someone who aids a senator anyway....I stopped reading her. It infuriated me too much. So BRAVO! to all the sheep out there. You lack of intelligence goes far in this world. Why don't you all go into ploitics too?

Fuck off.

Spitting venom first thing in the morning. What a great way to wake up. It's better than ass kissing, and causes more anarchy then the US in Iraq. It's all good.

I have been invited to a social at my sons school. Ya, Jay was too, but who cares., me, me,, me, me. Blah!

Ya, we volunteer all the time at the boys school, so they are doing their year end volunteer tea. I got the invite yesterday. I'm gonna have to chat with my mom about it. It's at 3:30 on weds afternoon, and I need to see if she can pick up satan freom school, or if I have to miss it. No biggie either way...if I miss it, then I just miss a half drunk white trash talking to me. Dumb bitch always picks her daughter up smelling like a fucking bottle of booze launched on her. She disgusts me too.

It seems everyone disgusts me today. Thats probably because a fucking bible show is on. Whats wrong with these fuckers? If I did a Pagan show they would accuse me of preaching the devil's work, but they can shove their stories down my throat? Fuck that! If prayer ever shows up in public schools then I am gonna do what a High Preistess I know does....HOME SCHOOLING! Her daughter learns at home. As she should. No outside influences, or threats. She is being raised wiccan which is bad enough. But I guess it is better than anything else.

Don't get me wrong, Christians aren't that bad, I have known a bunch of nice ones. The problems in this world are born again christians. They take it all too seriously, and have this big enlightened sense of they are superior beings. So they preach it, judge, and shove it down everyones throats. They were saved, so they have to save everyone else. Sorry fuckers! I saved myself.

I have to admit though, when I was 17 I made a very devout christian woman question her church. I had met this girl in Highschool and her mom didn't like anyone. I met her mom one day, and talked religion with her for 2 hours straight. By the time I was done she was grinning at me for my knowledge, but questioning things because my arguements made sense to her. Knowledge is a weapon. Don't preach anti religion unless you know about those religions. I read the bible, bet no one thought I would say that. In grade 5 they give you a little pocket, red, new testament. I rewrote mine. It took me forever. Thats what real devotion is. But the bible I read was my Great Grandmothers. An actual "Holy Bible" It was a good read. A damn good story. But I see nothing more than the story it is. According to the bible teachings eve came from adams rib, so she was part of him. They had kids, then suddenly their kids had kids, and they had kids, and they had kids, and so on. But man all came from adam. So what that instills in our soiciety as a moral is that incest is acceptable, and that we are all products of incest. With that being said, if incest is acceptable, then why does MPD exist? Doesn't make sense does it?

I could pick apart shitloads of stories in the bible, but it gets boring after a while. I don't support the writing or selling of wiccan books. That is a money making scheme. I can give myself a big witchy name, write a bunch of garbage directed at teens trying to get a boyfriend too. It makes alot of money. But MY morals say not to do that. My knowledge says that is bullshit. Knowledge is to be passed from generation to generation, not through books of lies, and teachings that are one persons views. I follow the original religion......not one invented by Gerald Gardner in 1927. How many people know gardner invented wicca? Probably not alot. Or they choose to ignore it. He took the basic Pagan virtues, and took out all the negative shit, developed a creed, and sold it. Wicca is Paganism without the bad shit. Then Anton LaVey took pagan values and stripped the good shit from it. LaVeys satanism is nothing but Paganism without the good values. So, if you study up on it, wicca+satanism=paganism. But don't get me wrong. I am talking LaVeys fucking theatrical display of bullshit. Look up the church of satan website. He was a fraud. After he died one of his kids put up all the lies he told. It's a funny read. He made up a name, a history, and a church. Buddy was a freak. Now, in about 1990-1992 my brother was invited to join a Satanic cult in Norway. He was very serious about the satanism he followed. I knew all about what was going on. I called him a devil worshipping piece of shit one day, and wound up with a 45 mion lecture on how demented LaVey was, and how full of shit the church of satan was, what his beliefs wewre, what he followed, and what "true" satanism was.....that it had nothing to do with the devil, fallen angel, satan, or any of that shit. But the beliefs that he controlled his own destiny, and that he in a way was his own god. blah blah blah. Ya, I listened, it was interesting. So brother is covered in satanic tattooes that are really kinda neat, and he is happy with how his life is, and has almost always been employed since he was 16, he is married, happy, and content. So, as far as I'm concerned hie beliefs obviously give him fulfillment in his life. So it can't be a bad thing for him. He has never sacrificed anything, or done any stupid shit. He trashes those who do, and says they should be shot. He blames LaVey for all the cult bullshit raging through the states hurting people and kids. They apparently bastardized everything. Good then. HAIL SLAYER! LMAO!

Fuck around.

I come from a fucked up family. My aunt is a witch, and started teaching me when I was about 4. I loved her to no end. I know where she is, and I should write her, but she fell out with my mom, and I fear being rejected from one family member whose opinion I actually respect. But my aunt, she has been trained in a shitload of things. She taught me how to read cards properly, how to read people, and so on. But it's funny, she told me once that the religion she was closest to was Buddhism. Budda was all over her place. Her love in life is faeries, and dragons. I miss her like crazy. It's been 11 years since I spent any real time with her. I'll write her one day.

My mom follows alot of Egyptian deities, my dad raised me telling me I was going to hell when I died because I wasn't baptised. My dads side was catholic orthadox, my moms was catholic, and protestant. Needless to say, I have a very diverse family. And then there is me. Paganism chose me. When I was 13 I studied different religions. I wanted to see where I fit in. I was feeling pretty lost spiritually, and couldn't grasp any contentment. So, I started to read up on shit. I suppose that if I had to follow any of Man's religions it would be catholicism. You constantly have to repent with christianity, it is a guilt ridden religion. But Catholicism, you admit you are wrong, and you fucked up, they give you something to do, and forgive you. It is unrelenting as well, but very forgiving at the same time. Look at priests....the molest children, yet get a slap on the wrist. Ok...the song is getting changed on here. In comes the Racist Redneck Rebels again. he he.

Well, I've had enough of typing. I'm hungry, tired, and have to leave in 2 hours to see my shrink, and fuck with his head. I'm still determined to disturb him. I already think I scare him.

I'm off!



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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