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~Slipping into Pandora's box~

Friday, May. 23, 2003 - 4:33 PM

I'm bored!

Jay is babysitting her neices right now, so we have basically no contact. She has a cellular phone, and she is calling me off and on with it....but it isn't the same.

So she calls me earlier as she was going into a shop to buy cards to top up her minutes on her cell. Fuck was it funny as hell. Jay trying to get notes into a maching to buy them. All these English accents yapping in the background, and joking with her. It was great.

But I have to say right here and now...JAY HAS HER ACCENT BACK!!!!! When she went home her accent was a bit muddled from being in Canada for 7 months, but not now. HELL NO! She is back to being so thick that my nipples are standing at attention, and saluting her. Hell ya I'm happy with that!

And Canada is off on one again. Mad Cow disease. Ya, I'm in Alberta, ya the cow came from a farm about 2 hours from here. So fucking what! I ate beef yesterday, I ate it today....if I had the money I would go out and buy big fat 1" steaks, and pig on them. Alberta Beef is the best in the world. It was 1 cow, and thats about it. Fuck whoever has a problem with it. You need to eat the brains, or nervous system to contract BSE, A steak is doesn't carry the virus. People panic from nothinf. People got the virus in england because of nasty sausage meat they make out there, that had brains and shit in it. Hello? We don't eat that shit.

Speaking of eating....fucking nasty ass asian trash! They tracked SARS back to the little raccoon type animal that chinks eat. The virus was eaten by those sick fuck, then passed through the society. Yay. mmmm nasty cat fucking food. Way to go you useless cunts. Will someone please Nuke them?

Which brings me to Toronto. 20 new SARS cases...why? Because some chink cunt came here from china, and infected a bunch of people. Can they not close the border to these fuckers? Can we not keep them all out until they either all die off from SARS, or it runs it's course, and dies off?

Then there is the states, and their lovely gift of West Nile to Canada. Geez, thanks. Everyone is freaking out. We are all waiting to see when it's going to arrive here.

Right now it sucks to be in Canada. Atleast WE had the scientists that figured out what the SARS virus was. WE also killed it off in Toronto once, they will do it again.

So, the travel advisory is up again by the WHO. Why the fuck don't they ban the chinks from leaving their own countries? Make them stay there and infect their own families...not ours. It just pisses me off.


Ya, I'm a bit pissed by all of this shit.

On a different note. Saw my shrink. Basically said nothing. I handed him 19 pages of fucked up thoughts. I freak and write in Word. I managed 19 pages in about 4 days. I gave it all to him, he started reading it, and I just sat there and stared out the window. He would say something, I would get sarcastic. He tried pushing drugs on me, I pulled attitude, and snapped at him. Then he set a new appt. And off I went. The fucker tried to get me to go to an appt on Jays birthday. I got pissed off. I think he was happy to see me go. I'm sure that alot of what I wrote disturbed him. He said nothing of my homocidal fantasies. Oh well.

Hmmmm...watching the news. Apparently all these fast food places offering salads aren't what they seem. The salads have more calories, and grams of fat then the burgers. MMMMMMM back to the beef! Yummy.

My fave saying now is "I had me a big ol' plate of mad cow today".

Anyone who wants to know whats really going on with the Mad Cow investigation can go here and search the phrase "mad cow disease". There is nothing wrong with our meat. The CFIA knows everything that is going on with our meat. They have quarantined 13 farms now, and are getting to the bottom of it all.


Well, Jay is on the phone, so I am off to chat with her.

Ahhhhhh! She broke her sisters T.V.

I seem to be all over the place with this entry.

I'm off!



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