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Saturday, Feb. 22, 2003 - 12:20 AM

Ok, so here it is.

Jay got her anniversary present from me today.

We were just sitting around and chatting in the living room this afternoon, and the subject of piercing came up. We started talking about what it was like to get the ones we have, and Jay mentioned that she wanted to get her eyebrow redone. It had migrated out due to crappy jewellry. It was originally done by a complete idiot you see. Anyway, she had said she wanted it aghain, and I decided to call up my brothers friend Aaron, he's a piercist you see. The convo kinda went like this........

"Hey Aaron it's H****'s lil sis Amber"

"oh hey hon, whats up?"

"I was just wondering what it would cost to get an eyebrow pierced"

"for you?"

"no, for jay"

"who's jay?"

"my gf, you remember, you met her at the reception" (my brothers wedding reception)

*oh ya, I know her. Well, what kinda jewellry do you want?"

"just a plain ring until it's healed"

"oh ok, well....I can give it to you for $25"

I nearly shit! For you americans thats like $18, and for you brits, thats about 13 pound.

"well, how busy are you today?"

"not much. I have an appt right away, then I am basically free from then on"

"how long are you there for?"

"until 7."

"okay, well I guess we'll come down then."

"ok, when?"

"my mom is picking up Kristian in about 20 min, and we will head down after. I just need to feed her first so she arrives there with a full stomache."

"okay, sounds good. see ya then"

Of course at this point Jay is looking at me all confused. I looked at her and said, we are getting you pierced tonight. She said huh?. Then I told her that he was charging us $25. She goes NO SHIT???

My mom grabbed the boy, and we went down. I took Aaron a present, and made him grin.We sat around while he dealt with people. Then she had her eyebrow done. Then he had us hang out with him, and go to the liquor store with him. Then we all bussed it together, and chatted away.

Before we left, I asked him about nipple piercing.Jay has shown an interest you see. He asked about jewellry. I asked his advice. He told me what was best, and that it was a bit more expensive, but was best for healing, and for wearing a bra. So I ask him what it will cost me. He says it will cost me $100. I asked him if that was for one, or what? He said for both. "I'll only charge you for the jewellry, you don't have to pay for the piercing itself." The price list said that nipples were $175 for both.

You know....sometimes it really rocks to have an older brother with friends who pierce. So Jay is seriously considering the nipples, but said it wouldn't be until next year. I actually get turned on from the thought of sucking on a ring through one of her perfect nipples.

I'm definately gonna be doing a little convincing I think.

hmmmmmmmm.....Damn! Now I wanna eat her.

Well......Kristian IS gone all weekend.

And she is in bed right now...........

*winks and scampers off*



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