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~chat with the byrd~

Friday, May. 02, 2003 - 9:35 PM

I'm trying to figure out which hurt more.

I got an email from Jay where she was falling apart. Telling me she needed me. That cut me deep. I burst into tears.

Then I opened an email from Simp, that one made me cry even harder.

I miss them all so bad. I just don't know what to do with myself now. I wander around my apt. I don't eat. I dope myself up to sleep. Satan is dealing okay. He knows she will be back. She has proved it to him time and time again. So he is just wondering what she is going to bring him back. Bloody kid!

Ya....tonight hurt. I had ppl coming here, and I just wanted them all to leave. Jay tried calling, I had company. That pissed me off. I felt like shit, and just wanted to talk to her. Atleast we did get some chat time. We would be fucked if it wasn't for the net.

So now, Satan is reading a book in bed, and I am gonna pop an ativan. I need to sleep. Especially if I am gonna have a conference call from Jay and Trevor tomorrow. Not to mention I have to go with satan to his drum lesson tomorrow afternoon. Not to mention Geoff wants satan and I over to his place in the afternoon. I don't know if I'll feel upto it, but the boys all get along, so I'll think about it.

But now.....I dunno. I guess I am gonna pop a pill, shower, and climb into bed watching Harry nuts and the Chamber Pot.

Jay, when you read this...........

You are always in my thoughts. Ich Leibe Dich.



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