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~This is todays 3rd update! I'm on a roll!~

Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 - 9:36 PM

"oh fucking nora!" thats all I hear as I sit here watching Jay dump all of her underwear on the floor while she bitches about how fat her ass is getting, and how it's all my fault for feeding her. This is funny as hell. There is underwear and socks all over the bedroom floor, and Jay sitting there half naked, bitching, and sorting through it all. Every 5 seconds you hear "dammit!" come out of her. This is great entertainment.

Well, this is update number 3 of the day. Jay and I are now discussing the lovely feel of crunchy socks. You know, socks that are so dirty that they go stiff? Yup, that was us in our teens.I was sooooo fucking bad back then. When I was 12 my mom informed me that it was my responsibility to wash my own clothes...ya ok, do you think I did? Well, maybe once every 2 months if I was bored, and there was nothing else to do. Being a teen is fucking gross when you look back at your bad habits.

So I went off as everyone saw in my first update today. I was triggered into a spurt of hatred. I actually broke down at the end of typing it up, and I fell apart. I was crying my eyes out, and poor Jay walked in to find me a mess, and had to hold me, and calm me down. Then I got all paranoid about the details I shared on Jays life, and I told her I was worried she would get mad at me. I mean, I was really a mess. I think I have PMS ontop of my depression. So Jay sat down, read the entry, and just sort of laughed at me. Then she says to me "thats okay baby" and hugs me. I'm just a frikken mess today.

I stumbled across a diary the other day. I had a note left to me, and went to see what all the commotion was about. So I go here and what do I find? A poem written for me by seth (I am hoping I got that right on the name). Oh man, although Jay read it and totally agrees with what it says, man is she pissed. The evil green one has reared it's ugly head again. Jay is jealous. I personally found it to be a wonderful gesture, and it made my day. It isn't all that often that outsiders do nice things for me. Poor Jay, she'll get over it eventually, but until then I will bask in the jealousy at the moment. I love jealousy, it makes me feel wanted.( as I run away to examine the crack Jay just found in her teeth while she was examining them in a mirror)

I'm gonna have to cut this short. Jay is about to hit a shower, and I have to watch her. She is struggling really bad right now. Her OCD is at such an extreme that a simple shower can take her upto 3 hours to complete. It's really hard on her, and I do what I can to help. When I walk her through things, and tell her that nothing bad will happen if she does things only once, then a shower will last 15 min. Every so often she gets this bad, and I have to help her. I don't mind though, it is embarassing for her, but if I keep doing it for a period of days, then she can kick the ritualistic behavior that she has developed.

Tonight I send out a few comments to people. To punkrockelf relax, the goddess takes care of her own, and will do so with you. To goat1178 In regards to your latest you know why after 12 years of dealing with asshole men, I turned to women. Well, that and the fact that my byrd is a sexy bitch! he he

And finally to siet I barely know you, but you rock! Thanks for brightening my day.

Laterz all!



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