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~Crazy shit!~

Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 - 7:21 AM

You want fucked up?

It was 2 alters going crazy. It was 2 boys that decided she couldn't come home because she/they needed drugs. Gotta love addicts.

So, she called me up, I met with her, fed her, and brought her home. Removed the memory that had her all screwed up, and Kailiy got rid of the boys while they were sleeping.

It gets better. (ish)

I called out Sallie to see about getting a list of those who were done sticking around. The ones who wanted to integrate like now. That kinda turned into about 50 computers being lined up outside the house...and yeah. Yesterday she had 307 left to go, she woke up this morning with 12 left to go. lol

What the.......??

Apparently alot were fed up. lol

I had asked that question expecting to hear about 20 ppl just wanted to go in. er....yeah.

Not this system.

Sallie got everyone prepared to go before I even met them. Last night, they went.

Integration usually goes alot slower because the host has to be given the memories. When we did the test of me opening a diary for the kids, and them putting their memories in it and it worked....well, that took the stress off of Kris's shoulders. She no longer needed to hear the memories, and the kids felt better about it too.
Well, that usage of computers has kicked things into high gear. It's crazy to think that 295 kids integrated last night. A bit over a hundred had by the time she went to sleep.

Talk about a busy night in her head. lol

Atleast Kris and I both share the apprehension of losing them all. She's stressed about them not being there anymore, and in a way so am I. She's always had someone to talk to, and now? Now she is being faced with silence at some point in the future. Then am I.

I'm interested in seeing who she really is, but at the same time...they are my kids. I love them dearly, and even though I didn't personally know any of those 295...I still miss them. Isn't that fucked up?

Ah well.

It has to be done. The last 12 will be here for quite some time though. They need the love and care to be normal enough to go. Well, not normal....relaxed.

Then there is Jenny.

Jenny is convinced that she is never going. She says she is gonna be here forever. lol

Somehow I honestly think she might be. lol

Well... could this be the beginning of the end? I just wanted to avoid more animosity by giving that offer of integration to the ones who really wanted it. So that I could concentrate on those who need me most.

I never thought that 295 would go. Not in a million years. I smell or something? lol



~WTF?~ - Saturday, Mar. 25, 2017
~Relaxation~ - Tuesday, Sept. 01, 2015
~The hunt is on.~ - Tuesday, Aug. 04, 2015
~Sometimes~ - Friday, Mar. 21, 2014
~Fawk~ - Tuesday, Jan. 07, 2014

The current mood of at

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